Add a separate batching for Reckoning. Reckoning not blizzlike (even 2006 didnt have this huge fail chance to charge up while sitting) Please add a separate batching for reckoning like you did with seal twisting

Please add a separate batching for reckoning like you did with seal twisting

Reckoning bomb should be just as easy to proc as it did in these 2006 videos with sit stand and with 10ms it would bring a massive nerf to reckoning

Look how easy it should be to obtain reckoning from mobs
The video was slowed to 0.25x so thats 3 times slower
So speed the video to 1.75x

Reckoning bomb should be easily obtainable, not impossible

1st charge first 2 seconds when he spam sits

2nd charge 6 seconds

3rd charge 15th second

4th charge 25th second

Here I am and 40 seconds and im only getting one charge and this isn’t even 10ms batching yet

This is not blizzlike at all and is prejudice towards ret paladins

Or if you want to keep reckoning nerfed then fix warrior diamond flask heal scaling and warlock life drain ignoring mortal strike and healing reductions. Since you allow that. Allow reckoning. It should join the gang. It worked prior the hand of justice change and the only reason it isn’t working now is because hand of justice macro fixing screwed with its ability to charge easily because it screwed with reckonings sit standing and now reckoning charging is non blizzlike. Fix it by making it have its own batching like seal twisting. Problem solved. I dont see the big deal.

Reckoning always worked this way. We have 2 videos that show how easy it is to stack charges and in a certain amount of time.

Revert it back to how it was when it was working fine and stacking more prior to being unaffected by the macro hoj fix and all blizzard needs to so is by adding reckonings very own spell batching like seal twist.

The fact that you don’t change other blizzlike spells or items in the game but keep reckoning this way shows you don’t care about an endgame pvp talent in the prot tree.

Give reckoning a minimum of its very own 800ms batching with current sit speed or 400ms with increased sit speed which is evident in the many videos.

Seal twisting is not as important as reckoning. Reckoning is an ENDGAME PVP TALENT. Reckoning should have more of a priority of getting its own spell batching than seal twisting.

I am actually going to upload the 2 videos again and show the time it took in both videos in seconds for the charges to stack and compare it to the ridiculous of a nerf 10ms in 1.13.7.

Good job. A massive nerf to reckoning paladins while warriors remain untouched, I say keep diamond flask heal scaling and fix reckoning only because an item unrelated to it created problems. It’s no excuse blizzard.

It’s only a good way to make paladins quit. Just nerf their most important talent for pvp classic… or… at least give them what existed in vanilla. And it created no problems. What created problems was hand of justice. Hand of justice has nothing to do with reckoning AND through the power of a spell specific spell batching you can separate and fix anything which is proven already with seal twisting. I never knew seal twisting had more prio to being fixed than reckoning? We want the original mechanics of reckoning. Not some edited version. We want to feel as close to the original game. You have the power to fix it. That’s my point.


Just so that we have some formal reporting with current issues here.

  1. Reckoning is not working as it was before the batch change, as follows:

You were able to stack reckoning against mobs by standing up as the mob attacked you. You would be sitting as the attack registered, but stand within a far higher ms (the batch window) such that the crit registered as you standing. With a 10 ms batch, this is nearly impossible to replicate.

  1. Seal Twisting is inaccurate to its former live self, and is much stronger, more akin to its TBC variant. You can also stack multiple ranks of the same seal with itself (such as rank 1 and 2 of seal of command), which could never happen, even in TBC.

Add Reckoning its own spell batching, just like seal twisting was given in 1.13.7
because it is a bigger talent/spell than seal twisting. It should be obtainable by sitting as easy as it originally was. With the 10 ms change it will never proc and in 2006 it ALWAYS was stacking.

Please add a separate batching for reckoning like you did with seal twisting

Reckoning bomb should be just as easy to proc as it did in these 2006 videos with sit stand and with 10ms it would bring a massive nerf to reckoning

Look how easy it should be to obtain reckoning from mobs
The video was slowed to 0.25x so thats 3 times slower
So speed the video to 1.75x

Reckoning bomb should be easily obtainable, not impossible

1st charge first 2 seconds when he spam sits

2nd charge 6 seconds

3rd charge 15th second

4th charge 25th second

Here I am and 40 seconds and im only getting one charge and this isn’t even 10ms batching yet

This is not blizzlike at all and is prejudice towards ret paladins

(go to 0:30 and look how much easier it was to stack reckoning)

2006 Classic (kneel to stand is much faster at 3 min 56s)


  1. Make the paladin talent reckoning have its own special spell batching window like seal twist and make its spell batching window larger, test and get thesame charges as the old videos and find out what the magic ms number is.
  2. Make sit to stand quicker

10ms is silly. It should be closer to 800ms
Or 400 ms with double the current sit speed

I believe it was originally 400ms with a faster sit speed. Therefore if you cant change the sit speed blizzard. Make reckonings spell batching 800ms

If we cant stack reckoning like 2006 then blizzard. Nerf many spells so they aren’t like 2006 either. You can start by nerfing drain life so it is affected by mortal strike. Oh. But you wont do that right? Because that didn’t happen until tbc? Well thats thesame with reckoning. It wasn’t changed to a new talent until tbc. So change its stack chance back. Ironically it was WORKING PERFECTLY AND STACKING EXACTLTY AS MUCH AS IN THE VIDEOS at the START OF 2019.

Change it back. Ever since you meddled with hand of justice macro. You messed up reckoning stack chance so it barely stacks. Make reckoning have its own spell batching so it can work like it did prior to the hand of justice macro nerf.“not-a-bug”-list-updated-dec-3-2020/175887

  • Being critically struck while using /sit to sit does not cause abilities like Enrage, Blood Craze, and Reckoning to activate.

Sitting down to trigger these effects was fixed early in Vanilla’s life because it was so incredibly strong.

It always worked in 2006 if you did it through spell batching. And the charge count was fixed after kazzak and limited to 4 but dates show spell batching is blizzlike and the spam sitting was quicker and it was always that way before tbc. Through spell batching you can gain the crit. The fact that it’s 10 x harder to do it on current classic means its not blizzlike. And is a gigantic nerf to 2006 reckoning.

  1. We have evidence that you can get reckoning by sitting through spell batching in 2006. Those videos confirm it.

  2. The current system doesnt allow for a faster sit or an easy buildup of bombs as shown in the 2006 videos. In the current 2021 classic its proccing maybe half or less as much from thesame repetitive clicking.

Fix 1: Increase the speed to sit like in 2006

Fix 2: Allow reckoning to build up at thesame rate as in the video

It obviously doesn’t work if you sit normally but using the spell batching reckoning ALWAYS worked back in 2006 as shown in the videos above

You cant ignore the evidence
Reckoning has been nerfed through the wall and isnt 2006 blizzlike. Then why keep shadow oil and frost oil affected by herb gathering or keep lifesteals from drifting? If Blizzard is so built on keeping the game the way it was 2006 then we should preserve the original chance to build reckoning. Why keep certain items gaining + healing and not change them but do the opposite for reckonings ability to proc like in 2006?

Spell batching is part of the original 2006 game and you have to accept it. This is one of the major paladin spells. Not some small spell.

They should make a second spell batching that is tied specifically to this spell so it can work with sit and proc as much as it did in 2006. Currently reckoning is not Blizzlike. This is a MAJOR paladin pvp spell.

Please add a separate batching for reckoning like you did with seal twisting with 800 ms in 1.13.7 ptr

Blizzard should add reckoning its own spell batching like seal twisting. 10ms is not able to reannact the blizzlike reckoning sit stacking that existed in these classic videos before tbc.

That would fix reckoning once and for all.
So that the modern client follows the original clients spell reenactment.

Have reckoning unaffected by the hand of justice change and 10ms by giving it a separate batching or at least let reckoning maintain its pre 1.13.6 batching because 10 ms is beyond stupid and is a complete nerf to the original sitting.

There we go. An idea that fixes reckoning in one swift move without any reoccurence of complaining.

It’s not enough ret has to suck. Prot too gets a nerf and change to its 2006 self.

Quit griefing with reckbombs and get over it

1 Like

Then fix warrior diamond flask heal scaling and warlock life drain ignoring mortal strike and healing reductions or gtfo. Since they allow that. Allow reckoning. It should join the gang. It worked prior the hand of justice change and the only reason it isn’t working now is because hand of justice macro fixing screwed with its ability to charge easily because it screwed with reckonings sit standing and now reckoning charging is non blizzlike. Fix it by making it have its own batching like seal twisting. Problem solved. I dont see the big deal.

Reckoning always worked this way. We have 2 videos that show how easy it is to stack charges and in a certain amount of time.

Enough nonsense. Fix it. Revert it back to how it was when it was working fine and stacking more prior to being unaffected by the macro hoj fix and all blizzard needs to so is by adding reckonings very own spell batching like seal twist.

The fact that they don’t change other blizzlike spells or items in the game but keep reckoning this way shows they don’t care about an endgame pvp talent in the prot tree.

Give reckoning a minimum of its very own 800ms batching with current sit speed or 400ms with increased sit speed which is evident in the many videos.

Seal twisting is not as important as reckoning. Reckoning is an ENDGAME PVP TALENT. Reckoning should have more of a priority of getting its own spell batching than seal twisting.

I am actually going to upload the 2 videos again and show the time it took in both videos in seconds for the charges to stack and compare it to the ridiculous of a nerf 10ms in 1.13.7. Funny how they don’t nerf warriors.

Good job. A massive nerf to reckoning paladins only because an item unrelated to it created problems. It’s no excuse blizzard.

It’s only a good way to make paladins quit. Just nerf their most important talent for pvp classic… or… at least give them what existed in vanilla. And it created no problems. What created problems was hand of justice. Hand of justice has nothing to do with reckoning AND through the power of a spell specific spell batching you can separate and fix anything which is proven already with seal twisting. I never knew seal twisting had more prio to being fixed than reckoning? We want the original mechanics of reckoning. Not some edited version. We want to feel as close to the original game. You have the power to fix it. That’s my point.

Says the mage that stands from an unreachable spot fireball griefing people.

The irony is that this problem didnt exist before the hand of justice macro fix.
By making a fix for an unrelated separate random pvp trinket you have created a new problem for paladins.

You have the power to fix it with making its very own spell batching. I think its worth doing.

What you’ve done is change reckoning and this allows people to ask for ridiculous changes such as making the corrupted ashbringer or neretzek scale. We dont want anything prior to 1.12. We want the original pvp mechanics. Please don’t make ashbringer or neretzek scale with spell power because then we will feel like we are playing a fake unrealistic version of the 2006 game. Keep it as original as you can. Therefore if you have given seal twist ITS OWN spell batching. Reckoning should too. Otherwise change reckoning like you’ve done and make further changes like making diamond flask not scale with healing and life drain work like tbc and make all lifesteals either nerfed and 0% scaling or 100% scaling. I wouldn’t want an all 0% or 100%. I would want the original game.

So you want to add batching to custom abilities for certain classes, but nerf it for other classes? Or remove batching but allow it on some abilities?
Seems like some paladin bias.
Rogues are screwed much harder than any class with the 10ms changes and they haven’t added any “batching” to vanish or imp sprint or anything else like it used to have before the change…

Just roll ret and move on.

Then stop being lazy, show a before and after video as evidence and do something about it.

There are tonnes of interactions that won’t work anymore since the batching changes. Not only for rogues but rogues got hit the hardest. I don’t need to show any vids because blizzard won’t change it. It is already 10ms ingame and they don’t plan to change that…

Doesnt stop them from adding a spell specific spell batching like seal twisting

Yes, but why add it ONLY to seal twisting and not the million other mechanics they removed it from?

Add it to them too