Add a new race to each faction that adds real diversity

Alliance get Naga, lead by Azshara who’s trying to pull Sylvanas’s “You need my help so you can’t get rid of me even if I don’t follow orders” adding a morally ambiguous and monstrous looking race, which would normally go to the Horde.

Horde get Lightforged Undead, Adding a race nobody asked for and most players actively hate, which would normally go to the Alliance.


I just assumed it would be a horse mount race.


I want an Alliance goblin cartel.

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I do too but if it’s going to take up a “new race” slot then I’d say “we already have too many short races.”


More importantly the short races we have are all the least played options. Why spend hours of dev time developing something that will barely get used?

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There is only 1 choice = Murloc.

mrglllrrglllrrgllyl gmmmlmrmrgmg 4 life


Murlocs don’t bring anything new to the table.

Both faction have a short ugly race that gets in everyone’s way.

You mean like Kul Tirans?

I think if they fixed it so that armor didn’t look so distorted on large/small races more people would play them.


Yeah but that also has a lot to do with them being locked. Admittedly, you’re not going to get someone who rejects Gnomes and Dwarves but then turns around and plays DID or Dumpster Gnomes, but neither are their numbers helped with the lock system.

And yes, I hate everyone who says “but I had to unlock them!” I think the races should be free for everyone, and if someone complains, they should have mounts, titles, and achievements taken from their account.

I rule with a dark iron first, and I will drop the wild hammer on anyone who runs their mouths.

I see plenty of Kul’Tirans. Mostly Druids though, because those Wicker forms are amazing.

I do think we’d see more Kul’Tirans if the lanky model was playable.

Alright, but why do that when they could just make a race that didn’t need fixing?

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Sethrak or Naga for the horde would be real nice to play as, assuming blizzard doesn’t botch it up like they did when converting the NPC models into player models for the Nightborne.

though i’d also love the Sylvar from Ardenweald

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Yes, and make Intern Jackie the Candleking, or in this case Candlequeen.

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On the Horde side I’d add the Sethrak. They fit in particularly well with the Vulpera/Zandalari in terms of culture and history, so they’d synergize well while bringing something very visually distinct to the Horde, something it doesn’t currently have, which is certainly rare.

Over on the Alliance side I’d argue the easiest option would be another beastman type of race. Personally I’d be up for Saberon, but they’re probably a bit too similar in appearance to worgen to add enough visual diversity. If I could really pick any race though, it’d be the Vorkai from Ardenweald. The Sylvar make the most sense but share a visual similarity with Draenei (females). The Vorkai feel a lot more unique visually, and being the first playable four-legged race would really make them stand out. I’d even go so far as to say them not being able to wear pants or boots shouldn’t matter since Mechagnomes can’t either. The only problem there would be mounts, but some kind of racial that suffices in lieu of mounts would be a good compromise, similar to how Worgen have running wild.

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Soooo…more humans?

Murlocs. I would love to be an opposite faction player and instead of seeing the normal common speak, it would end up as something like this:

“Hey, Horde player! What ya doing!”
“Mrrglr Shm Rr Mrrglr Auu, Urglm Shm Rr Mrmur Auu, Mrf Mrgrnlm Shm Aglglglk!”

Alliance = Pixies (from Ardenweald) or Kyrian (from Bastion)

Horde = Vampires (from Revendreth)


It’s like all the races we play are humanoid or something.

For the horde give us those cute adorable mushroom guys in plaguefalls.