Add a fly path to Silithus

I had no issues with loading time prior to 8.3…

I’d just like it if they put “Magni’s Camp” over the thing on the map. I probably take longer looking for the dang thing than the flight from Uldum to the Sword take.

I feel so dumb every time.

That’s not splitting hairs. There is a world of difference between an unstable server, and a crappy computer.

Day? Night? That’s splitting hairs, its just time.


Agreed with OP. Would be nice if Magni’s camp had a flight master, since the last one, you know, kind of blew up thanks to a giant sword.

Some people like to argue just to hear themselves talk (or type, in this case).

You really don’t see my point, do you. I am saying this: if it takes me (or anyone else) longer to go through a portal or portals than it does to fly to the same destination, the logic is that we fly. It does not matter WHY it takes longer, just that it does.

I refuse to get into an argument about lousy computers and what the cause may be. I am not blaming anyone or saying its Blizzard’s fault or my fault or that guy over there in the corner’s fault.

I am simply. stating. a. fact. And I’m not going to argue about this any longer because if someone just doesn’t see my point, Im wasting minutes of my life I am never going to get back…

Nah, nah. Make it one of those Azerite rock giants that picks you up and tosses you over the mountain with a 75% a parachute opens and you land safely, the other 25% of the time you are flung so hard you go splat.


Do yourself a favor and look up “Dunning-Kruger Effect” I don’t know why but it certainly seems to apply to you. Must be the whole “People are disagreeing with me because they’re too dumb to get what I’m saying and just want to troll me rather than me having said something dumb” tinge you’re typing with. Here, allow me to explain the whole thing to you in agonizing detail and why you’re being a fool:

And let’s be real here. Your first post was:

It’s a game issue for those of us who experience it, regardless of what the cause is. And the fact is that taking the portal to SW, then leaving the mage tower, flying to the Uldum portal, and taking that can actually take more time than just mounting up and flying across a short distance of Silithus to Uldum.

In response to:

That’s a computer issue, not a game issue.

Which was a response to:

Loading screen since the patch take way to long.

So if we dissect this. A guy said his loading screens take too long. Someone replied with “That’s a computer issue.” You then come in with saying: “It’s a game issue for those of us who experience it, regardless of what the cause is.”

For the most part we were responding precisely to that. None of us addressed your useless malarkey afterward. In fact when I replied to you I had that specific bit quoted, as did Rhielle. Both of us clarifying that it’s a computer issue and not a game issue like you chose to try and classify it as and why this was the case. You then argued about “splitting hairs.”

Nobody at any point disagreed with you on travel speed, we know people have absurdly awful computers who play this game. I until the second week of BFA was playing on a laptop that pulled 20 fps in Boralus when I was alliance at work because my desktop was at home. Now I have a much better laptop that typically pulls around 100 fps in Dazar’alor because I got tired of having bad hardware for how I was largely playing the game since I’m constantly on the move and not at home for long at a time. You chose to act like our disagreement was over your travel speed and not your inability to grasp what a “computer issue” is vs a “game issue”.

I then responded with a mocking reply because you immediately were positioning yourself to pull the same stunt you are where you presume any disagreement is about your own anecdote rather than you mistakenly claiming that a hardware issue was not a hardware issue but in fact a game issue because it affected your gameplay negatively.

One hour later where are we? Oh, you’re doing the exact thing I predicted you would do, trying to say the disagreement was over you traveling quicker by one way because your computer is terrible rather than “Hey, you used the wrong term, here’s why this is not the correct term.”

Just mount up, aim just to the left of the big sword and then auto move. Just takes a couple of minutes to fly there manually, with very little steering. I play a quick mobile game on my phone which makes those minutes go by fast. Or get the Peggle addon

Would be nice if Blizzard made the flight master’s whistle work everywhere. Doesn’t seem like it would be a monumental programming task.


There is that one quest in mechagon that is exclusive to war mode, though… But you’d only end up roughly a day behind, not weeks.

On topic: It’d certainly be nice if Magni’s encampment got a flight path. I don’t like doing the “portal to dazar’alor, portal to org, portal to uldum” dance either cause of all the loading screens you have to go through.

Isn’t there one in the cenarion circle town? Or did it get destroyed when they writers stabbed themselves in the foot w/ this sword business?

Cenarion Hold is accessible in the old phase of Silithus you access that by talking to Zidormi up in the corner by where you used to enter from Un’goro. In present it’s destroyed.

Thank you. I assumed as much but I wasn’t really sure.

Yeah it’s kind of nice they have that option now when they reuse zones. Too bad they didn’t have it in the game before the Cataclysm revamp. I would kill to be able to quest in old Tirisfal Glades again, and who knows. Maybe with Classic they might be working on something like that where they just readd in all the old quests, would feel a bit off with the whole scaling and inflated XP but it would be cool. I liked old Hillsbrad questing, it felt like I was doing stuff. Instead now I just pretend to be a quest giver then follow three morons who exist solely for a comic relief joke taken way too far and taking up the bulk of a zone’s quest. “HEHE GET IT? DUMASS IS ACTUALLY A DUMBASS! HE’S OUR CARICATURE OF A TOTAL NOOB!” “OH LOOK! THE GUY WHO TWINKED HIS TOON IS ACTUALLY A BIG word used to refer to a weak person, cat, or female body part in slang beginning with p! AND HE’S A BLOOD ELF! GET IT?!”

Or Old 1k Needles before the flood. That to this day is still my hands down favorite zone just because the music was great, the environment was cool. I remember just being 12 on Thanksgiving Break and I would be up late at night grinding the centaurs with game music on because it used the old Mulgore/Plains zones type music that was just so relaxing. Even better with the whole day/night thing because it was all dark.

I remember on Classic launch like day two I was at 26 or so with my group and I deliberately told them “I am going to 1k Needles. I don’t care if it’s not optimal, I WILL relive this on an actual Blizzard Classic server. I will see you guys in Shimmering Flats or STV.”

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I am hoping when they do whatever it is they do with the old Zones in Shadowlands that if we pick Vanilla to level in it will be pre-Cataclysm. There are so many old zones I would love to do again. Old dungeons too.

Pre-Cata Deadmines. Back when we weren’t heroes out to save the world and just a bunch of glorified bandits who did whatever morally reprehensible deed asked of us because “Oh look, a blue!”

Still cracks me up the realization I had when I learned the whole backstory of VanCleef. “Oh, this guy was hired to do a job, did it, got screwed over by the nobles. Then the nobles sent me to collect his head because he was angry enough to try and attack the city with a battleship since they refused to pay him. . . wait a minute. . . I’m the bad guy here!”

Or fulfill a requirement so a shady troll can try to summon Hakkar back into the world by filling something with a bunch of spirits and I’m just like “Gimmie dat XP! IDGAF if this world dies, as long as I’m 60!”

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You seem to be missing everyone else’s point.

Get you computer right= win.

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