Add a 613 gear requirement for skirms

what about the name joe spelled backwards and a male character makes you think im female

Just set an ilvl floor that you scale up to

Yeah, no. If you have problems with randos not having gear in the FOR FUN version of arena, maybe you should stick to 2’s, 3’s, or shuffle.

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but suddenly heroic dungeons are serious content? because they have an ilvl req

im giving counter points with actual in game systems and everyone is countering my points with feelings

this bug where quotes keep getting deleted is annoying also

People do skirmishes to try out stuff to mess around and such.

Yes there are folks like you that take it seriously and emote and probably make fun of anyone who doesn’t “perform/behave” the way you want however not really sure it would be a good idea to restrict it.

You know that I know that you don’t know eoj spelled backwards is joe. You don’t want this smoke. Chica.

Solo queue skirms are the hardest pvp content wow has to offer. Accept the challenge for what it is.

Wasn’t the whole premise of this thread you saying how you feel people should be required to have certain gear to do entry-level content since you have skill issues and then everyone else telling you to get over it?

Popular vote, my friend. Surely you’ve been seething about those two words all week.

You are free to ditch people that wants to be carried, you get only 1 min deserter the first time, for the second time etc you can just enter combat then quit the arena

It would cost nothing to Blizzard to apply a 619 ilvl floor to every player in arenas tho

Idk about you guys but every skirmish I play is equivalent to game 7 of the finals in the AWC.


Love when people prove assumptions I make in my head 3 minutes into speaking with them

Skirms are just as casual as BGs and Epic BGs.

Skirms, BGs and Epics is what you do before you have no honor gear.

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The fact that it is a weekly quest should be your first indicator that you will come across “tourists” that don’t really care.

There’s a reason Skirmishes are unrated, there’s no downside for losing.
It’s for practice, nothing else.

yes true true

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Going 1 vs 2 is whats bugs me. Ilvl requirement would just slow the queue.

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I love skirmishes, I don’t care if I don’t get a geared partner. It’s fun for me to try and get a 1v2.
Half the time they run down my undergeared partner and I get to kill one and turn it into a 1v1, and depending on the map I’ll have the advantage 90% of the time as WW.

But it gives me a good experience of what it would be like in different scenarios to test my limits.

Only thing I think they should do is let skirms not enter until all participants join in, nothing like joining a skirm and getting no partner, doubly feels bad when you get a 1v3
