Add 2H Enh Sham alternative for SoD

Bump for support of 2H Enh, who else is going to want all those 2H weapon drops in raids on Horde? Offspec rolls for warriors?

You want more competition for 1H weapons?


It legitimately feels like a slap in the face that dual wield is being pushed instead of 2hand being fully supported. The one place I can play the game how I first started playing it all those years ago and blizz is taking that away. Shame on on blizz. Enhance shammies have always loved hitting things with 2 handers we only ever used dual wielding because you forced us to!


Keep the dream alive. They say they are experimenting with SoD putting in crazy things like warlock tanking and mage healing but 2h enhance is going to far out there? Please blizzard :pray:


2Hand enhance was literally what brought me back to wow for classic seeing them try to take it out is heartbreaking!! Is it so wrong to love the playstyle of hoping for the WF and loving the rng in pvp of losing bad then getting a good WF to instantly turn it around??? That feel of being the wild card in any situation. So many moments with my guild where everyone laughing cause I one shot someone or get an early wf and boss turns to one shot me and guild going LoL silly Nez!! Please dont take my love away from me T_T.


2h windfury aint going anywhere. Still going to function the same.

Isnā€™t that pretty disappointing considering that:

1.) 2h enh is how the spec played in vanilla wow, and
2.) The rest of the specs are receiving large changes and quality of life improvements

The absence of any meaningful changes or buffs in a more powercreeped version of the game is a dramatic nerf in relative power. Especially from a raid standpoint, depending on how tight the raids are tuned why would you even tolerate a 2h enh shaman? They miss out on 5% hit (from the dual wield talent) and lava lash, something which blizz has stated are the cornerstones of enh in SoD.


They really need to do is just edit the Runes.

Chest - Weapon Specialist: Increases your chance to hit with both spells and melee attacks by 5% and your Stormstrike ability now hits with both weapons while dual wielding, attack speed increased by 20-30% while wielding a 2h.

Gloves - Lava Lash: You charge your off-hand or 2h weapon with lava, instantly dealing 100% off-hand Weapon damage, 150% if 2h. Damage is increased by 20% if your off-hand weapon is enchanted with Flametongue, 50% if main hand.

This essentially keeps dual wielding while providing 2h some support, flametongue is the go to weapon imbuement lower levels in group content prior to lvl 30, so we will be viable and they then can further adjust runes season 2 lvl 25-40 to further support the 2h build.


This would be a good fix.


Yeah I agree also warriors should be able to break peoples necks. I wrote a post about this earlier.

Itā€™s a quick mock up, obviously things may need to be changed for balancing, but it gives 2h enhance a clear route and support for the play style.

Lava lash working with 2h Weapons be really nice and just like they gave Crusader Strike to Paladins, gives 2h Enhance a melee button to press. Outside of lvl 40 when we get Stormstrike a 20 sec cd mana draining skill.

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Were they tolerated to begin with? Haha i kid, i kid. Orā€¦

I do agree that fighting for 1 handers will suck even more now with more classes wanting them. Lets hope they throw a bone to the 2h enjoyers!



There is another shaman who posts here who is 10x better at riling people up than that person is.

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I support this, give us 2H Enhance focused runes in SoD!!!


Why I rolled a shaman in Vanilla. Of course I had no idea Iā€™d never have anywhere near that level of gear. But it sure looked fun.


2h Enhancement is classic Enhancementā€¦ however yes they should def add runes for it.

I would rather go 1h personally so you can spread the loot around w your warriors and Druids. So I think 1h is gonna be my route, but I am not disagreeing with adding more flavor for 2h enhancement. More loot for me :slight_smile:


Honestly this is one of the dumbest decisions of all the classes. The enhance tree in vanilla literally has its 20 point talent for shamans to equip a 2hā€¦ vanilla enhancement shaman was supposed to wield a 2h. Adding DW to enh is a lazy attempt to buff them whilst also increasing loot scarcity between all duel wielders and going against the vanilla shaman class fantasy.


I think the biggest issue with 2h WF that Blizzard had with it back in the day was the total randomness of it. Maybe a slight reworking of the functionality of WFW would make 2h shaman more palatable to Blizzard.


Give us a 2h option please! The Reddit thread has over 1200 upvotes on it. Clearly the players want to play 2h enhance. Porting over tbc enhance into vanilla and calling it a day is a joke.


Classic Enh shaman is 2H, did the Devs not even look at the talent tree?


Rune Super Windfury. Your windfury can now proc off itself. Only works with 2h weapons. :kissing_heart: