Adaptive Swarm

Yeah it’s not the damage from the ability, but the bonus to the dots/hots that you take it for

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Pesty does Adaptive Swarm get dispelled a lot in Arena? I am still on the fence about changing.

Adaptive isn’t the biggest thing to be worried about for dispells, it’s only a 25 second cd and I have a macro to cast it on myself if I already have one on a target so if it gets dispelled the one on me can just bounce to them, the biggest issue in arena I find is how popular paladins and Kyrian are, the majority of your damage comes from adaptive, trinket, Tiger fury and Feral Frenzy, it’s basically your only form of burst and killing someone on your own but paladins have bubbles, bop and Kyrian potions to completely stop any burst you do on-top of being plate users. But in regards to your questions don’t worry too much, most people don’t even know what necro druid does so it doesn’t get focused dispelled like mindgames would

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I was kinda looking forward to adaptive swarm, my original choice was gonna be Kyrian because the armor set was sick, but when i got to ardenweald and tested out convoke it was just so god damn fun
But now i think im gonna go kyrian since i want more pressure outside a 2 min CD that needs a ton of setup or just get Bop’d / sac’d / interupted/stunned… or maybe ill go boomy and just global someone before i show up in the arena frames lol

I don’t mean to be a broken record but hoping to post often for devs. I’d like to start with a 10-20% damage reallocation. Remove a percent from bite scaling and redistribute that into rake, rip, and thrash. Do the same thing with starsurge into mfire and sunfire. That will, by proxy, nerf nfae and buff necro/vynth/m+.

I’ve enjoyed nfae and necro the most so far. Necro for trying bleed builds and nfae for the minigame of baiting all kicks, getting trinkets, getting their stuns/stops, and finally setting up that perfect convoke window.

As resto in arena, necro has been a bit more fun.