Adaptive Swarm

i was with a spriest until 2.1 ish but every comp after 2k is warr/boomkin/ww with a healer and the occasional rogue/mage, it just got boring to play against after awhile, then i started to play with a hpal and we did really well, the necrolord durability plus my off heals pressured them into going me and being a feral im able to kite them easily and eventually my burst every 45 seconds can get a kill if we play well


What do you think about the 9.0.5 buff for necrolord? Is it gonna be enough to compete with kyrian/night Fae in pvp?

Not even close, bleeds are the issue not necrolord, feral frenzy into swarm does great damage but the issue is rake/rip do almost nothing when compared to 15k+ bites.

Rake and rip would need major buffs or a bleed focused talent needs to be introduced, something that competes with sabertooth, lunar inspiration is good but sabertooth is just disgustingly strong, maybe with the PvP talent update we can see some improvement.

That being said the 5% buff to necrolord is always welcomed, just a shame that balance druids get a 15% buff to the ability and resto/feral/guardian only get a 5%, just find it silly that they’ll buff necrolord druid ability by a tiny 5% when only 1.8% of druids are necrolord and expect results from that, meanwhile they don’t touch weapons of order or condemned

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Yeah rip is awful. I don’t even really use it much tbh. I’m having alot of fun memeing in bgs with a bite build stacking sabre tooth, savage roar and blood talons. The bite damage is insane, It’s honestly not worth ripping. Like ever lol.

I’d love bleeds to be better but I don’t want to swap covenants for it.

That’s not true. Rake + Rip do do as much damage as Bite (putting Crit aside). The problem is the application in which the damage is applied.

Rake and Rip cannot compete with Bite in burst situations. They need time to deal their damage. And that’s where the problem arises. You’re wanting bleeds to deal their damage instantaneously/in a fraction of their time like Bite does.

You’ve made the comment that Ferals bleed style is like an Affliction Warlock. And you’re not wrong. But you’re upset about how the damage is done.

Aff Locks suffer in short duration fights due to ramp up time. Feral bleed style play will do the same. But the play style smooths out over longer fights. Unfortunately right now, longer fights aren’t happening. It’s all about the burst. And for that, big finishers > sustained DoTs

@Grizz Yeah idk about all that. I don’t think anyone is confused about the bleeds being a dot and taking time to do their damage. An ability that does the damage of 1 bite over 25 seconds is useless. Im currently built 100% for bleeds with draught and blood talons and mastery stacking and every alt Ive had has been stronger with the same gear. I’m currently getting up to 111% increased damage on rake/rip, and combined their damage is mediocre at best compared to anything else I can play. Its not any more complicated of an issues than the bleeds simply sucking.

Which is why I’m complaining, in the current meta bleed build has absolutely 0 chance at being viable and the fact that the made it an option with legendaries, adaptive swarm and mastery is just confusing since they know what the scaling for bleeds are and know it’s completely lackluster compared to a bite, if they wanted ferals to be a bite class with bleeds tossed in as a side thing then why even create the option for a bleed focus build and not bother to balance at all.

If you’ve saw the recent PTR changes they have recently buffed ww and ret Paladin legendaries and nerfed a feral legendary, when you see stuff like and that they only buffed swarm by a tiny 5% while weapons of order, convoke, condemned are still untouched baffles me, I really hope meaningful changes to the PvP meta happen soon, it’s extremely demotivating to want to play your class with your preferred talents, covenants and stat prior and it has 0 chance to be equal with what’s meta and on-top of that seeing what Blizzard is doing to fix the issues

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Not to be rude, but I think you are, from your next statement of:

It’s not at all useless. I mean, in a 5 second window, sure it may be. Over a 30 second window, it shines. Again, it’s all about perceiving how the damage is applied. You’re taking instant gratification and comparing it to a build over time perspective.

Which changes. Just because Bleeds don’t fit in this season, doesn’t mean they won’t in the next. Patience my friend.

If LI worked with Draught, I bet it’d be a bit more balanced. But they did this because it’s what people were asking for. They gave an option to focus more on bleeds. Just because it’s bleed oriented doesn’t mean you’re supposed to ignore Bite. Just like in a bite build, you don’t ignore your bleeds.

Look at Aff Locks. THE dot class. And even they have a big spender that shadows their DoTs (or has the potential to depending on how you play).

It’s not even into the next big patch, and they’re taking steps in the right direction. There’s multiple little patches before a big content patch. Give them a little time to iron things out.

And while I don’t really PvP ever (not seriously at least), I do feel for PvP oriented players since it does seem to get neglected compared to PvE.

I wouldn’t really bank on it sadly. At least not soon. Maybe the second half of the expansion when health pools are larger and there has been more time for changes and adaptation.

I made this post a while ago and Blizzard fixed it a few ago so it does work, but still can’t compete with sabertooth

So it’s confirmed to be working now? Well that’s good news.

Yeah Sabertooth is actually a 40% increase and it 20% (due to 2x multiplier with 50 energy).

But Draught increases all those abilities by 40% at the same time. Coupling Draught + Sabertooth gives you the best of both worlds.

How much does LI do on its own? It can’t be anywhere near the other 2 talents in that row

In PvE it usually does about the same as rake and rip, but in long arena matches it’s usually my top damage since I can have 100% uptime with it due to its range also I spam it to generate combo points from a range

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Lol a dot needs to be significantly more damage than bite if it’s gonna take like 20 seconds to be worth using. Rip is like maybe 10% more damage, but bite is just instant, and this is AFTER armor.

Hey Ferals what does your Abdaptive Swarm tick for? Both healing and dps…

Considering making the change to Nec.

Abdaptive Swarm does both your dots and hots

It’s trash damage, it’s getting a slight buff but it doesn’t help at all
I can’t login right now but im 99% sure it happens hits for about 300-450 a tic and I’m 226ilvl


Yeah it’s not the damage from the ability, but the bonus to the dots/hots that you take it for

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Pesty does Adaptive Swarm get dispelled a lot in Arena? I am still on the fence about changing.

Adaptive isn’t the biggest thing to be worried about for dispells, it’s only a 25 second cd and I have a macro to cast it on myself if I already have one on a target so if it gets dispelled the one on me can just bounce to them, the biggest issue in arena I find is how popular paladins and Kyrian are, the majority of your damage comes from adaptive, trinket, Tiger fury and Feral Frenzy, it’s basically your only form of burst and killing someone on your own but paladins have bubbles, bop and Kyrian potions to completely stop any burst you do on-top of being plate users. But in regards to your questions don’t worry too much, most people don’t even know what necro druid does so it doesn’t get focused dispelled like mindgames would

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I was kinda looking forward to adaptive swarm, my original choice was gonna be Kyrian because the armor set was sick, but when i got to ardenweald and tested out convoke it was just so god damn fun
But now i think im gonna go kyrian since i want more pressure outside a 2 min CD that needs a ton of setup or just get Bop’d / sac’d / interupted/stunned… or maybe ill go boomy and just global someone before i show up in the arena frames lol

I don’t mean to be a broken record but hoping to post often for devs. I’d like to start with a 10-20% damage reallocation. Remove a percent from bite scaling and redistribute that into rake, rip, and thrash. Do the same thing with starsurge into mfire and sunfire. That will, by proxy, nerf nfae and buff necro/vynth/m+.

I’ve enjoyed nfae and necro the most so far. Necro for trying bleed builds and nfae for the minigame of baiting all kicks, getting trinkets, getting their stuns/stops, and finally setting up that perfect convoke window.

As resto in arena, necro has been a bit more fun.