Adaptive Swarm For Resto

Hello there,

Please restore Adaptive Swarm within the Resto spec. It is a much valued, and fun talent that is one of the reason why I have enjoyed playing a Resto Druid.

Thank you for your consideration.


Yes please. I love playing with adaptive swarm. The mechanics of the spell are very fun and useful, and the visuals are very cool too!


Im really pissed about it beeing removed. With its new visual and all.


Agreed! Nice to have on the bar for solo questing! All druids should have it IMO.


Yeah, i miss it too, specially in pvp.


Its a great spell. Great visuals, fun to press. Satisfying watching it split, stacks well with our rotation/mastery, AND it offers choice whether to use it defensively or offensively.

Literally the perfect talent.

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I agree with most of the stuff stated here!

I love Adapt Swarm and want it back for resto too! And tbh I would love it back on Balance if possible too… :eyes:

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Yeah, I don’t really get it. They wanted to reduce button bloat, so rather than remove actual button boat like both moonfire and sunfire still existing outside of balance, resto druid loses its one actually unique and mechanically interesting HoT? The one they just made an updated visual for, as well? It’s just silly.


They definitely could combine alot of the bear and kitty skills to where u only need one keybind for both but it swaps dueling on your form. Would love that.

removing two buttons that feel good to press from a healing class…my hype for TWW is just dead, and i am not really motivated to play this season, because i know i’m losing two of my favorite abilities (Flourish & Swarm).

Combat is so important to retail, i’m surprised this “rework” is actually dumbing down the class…too much bloat, sure…yeah right…we’ll see how many useless nodes still exist after the first patch.

can we get the classic devs to work on druid? pllleeeeeeeease :broken_heart:

Is this talking about TWW alpha? I am logging into Live right now and I have Adaptive Swarm on my resto druid.

From: Confused

Edit: I also love Adaptive Swarm and would be upset if it was taken away. One of the things that makes resto super fun

yeah this is about some of the changes proposed in the TWW alpha build…obviously nothing is set in stone, but i think if there’s ever a time to let the devs know what we want for our class, it’s now…i think by Beta it would be too late :frowning:

we also aren’t losing flourish, but they’re making it compete with Photosynthesis, which would drastically change the SL/DF style resto we’ve all grown to love…

i think it dulls the class down too much - one of the best things about resto druid is that I utilize ALL of my forms in any given dungeon/PvP, and flourish/adaptive swarm are two of our “fun” buttons as resto druids…

i think the devs think we enjoy casting regrowth and rejuv as fun buttons…big sadge, wonder who’s telling them that?

Please reconsider the removal of adaptive swarm! It’s super unique and satisfying, if you want to remove button/maintenance bloat please look elsewhere.

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