is rebuilding our raid team going into WotLK
Open core positions :
Shaman - (1) Elemental (1) Restoration
Druid - (1) Restoration
Raid Info
Raid Time: (25mans) Wed/Mon 8:30-11:30pm EST (10mans) Sun 2pm EST and 8pm EST
Progress: 3/6 Sunwell, all previous content cleared
Loot Distribution: Rotating Loot Council for 25mans / MS>OS roll for 10mans
About Us
, a day 1 TBC guild, is a close-knit guild comprised of both IRL friends and internet friends who push to better ourselves every week. We enjoy having a good time together when raiding, including parsing, but at the end of the night we are all primarily concerned with raid progression and loot distribution.
Show up to raid on time with knowledge of the encounters, all consumable buffs, and an open attitude towards advice and criticism. Addons (Bigwigs/DBM/WA/Threat Meter) and a microphone are required for every raider on our team. Ultimately, parsing and downing bosses are our goals.
Loot Council
We use RCloot council to vote on loot and have 4 Officers and 2 Vets/raiders that swap every week. All raiders will have the chance to be a part of our voting system. We require new players to attend one full month of raiding without any absences in order to join the pool of voters.
If you are interested or have any questions contact: EMP#6409 or join our discord :