Actually nvm, I dont support Classic Boosts

I was wrong, made a Warrior on classic yesterday, dreading the fact I have to do 1-60 for a 3rd time. Got to level 30 and… idk what it is, but levelling is relaxing on classic compared to retail. Instead of boosts, add LFG for Classic dungeons, dungeons only, not raids… in order to revive the world and stop people from paying bots to boost them in dungeons


LFD doesn’t revitalize the world… It causes people to AFK in Org/SW while in que and just dungeon to max level. It’s not that much better than the current boosting meta.


Nothing is going to revitalize the world at this point.
Even when tbc is out it wont be long before outlands is dead and people are afking in cities again.

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Just came back to Classic. Thus far, I have had 1 (one) dungeon that was a group of at level people trying to do it while the lfg channel is a constant stream of people selling boosts. I have come to realize that for every person who wants to keep boosts out for the health of the game (whatever that really means to a 16 year old game), there are 10 to 20 people who want them kept out because they make their gold by selling boosts.

Lets all be honest for a bit and acknowledge the fact that the game has a HUGE boost market that drowns out the actual at level dungeon runs and that most of the antiboosters are just people looking out for themselves.


I also have changed my mind. I supported the lvl 58 boost at first simply because I was bitter about mage power leveling. Boosting is toxic to Classic. The majority of Classic is about the leveling experience. Boosting is poison to the game.

I’m sure there was a thought there. I just can’t for the life of me figure out what it is…

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Not really. TBC gives you a lot of reason’s to journey go out into the world. From dailies and farming quests at level 70 to pvp objectives and gathering/crafting. There’s a lot more motivation to engage with the world in TBC than vanilla even. And it’s generally a smaller area so it should feel fuller once layering drops.

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I’m sure there was a point to that comment, but I can’t for the life of me figure out what it is…

Youre not missing TBC content by boosting to 58

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How does skipping the classic content hurt the bc content again?

No. Full stop. No.

That is the first step towards LFR and the active death of the community.

Things Classic absolutely does not need:

  • LFD
  • LFR
  • Cross-server realms

You want those go back to Retail.

As for “solving” the power leveling issue, there is exactly 1 solution. Blizz starts selling level boosts. No messing around with bots or possible scams.

And I for one say let the tokens and level boosts come. It will sink the “black market” gold and clean up the chat lines from boosting spam. I came to Classic because I want to enjoy Classic. Not to skip all the content and grind level 60 content endlessly.


If they added LFD I’d never have to leave a city again. At least that’s how it worked out for all my alts that I leveled in Wrath. I had a Shaman that never left Stormwind once I got it there, 1-80 on rested in LFD.

The classic “its hopeless let’s just give up” strategy. Thankfully people with your mindset don’t run MMOs.

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LMAO! You know that isn’t going to happen. 1/10 troll attempt.

If no one buys boosts , nobody would sell them …

The boost markets are about to take a huge hit with the AoE cap.

If we don’t get level 58 boosts we’re back to questing and/or level-appropriate dungeons.