Activision/Blizz created this "problem"

Blizzard, you manufactured this cloning problem, then magically came with a solution that just so happens to cost money.

I could accept, and respect you more as a company if you would just admit you wanted a way to monetize character cloning. Own it and say what you mean.

As for the bootlickers, I don’t care that activision/blizz are greedy or want to make money. Just be honest about it.


Or they could have said screw it 3 years ago and never given us classic at all.

They were. They said from the START the cloning proses was going to be a paid service!

They made a price. They read the feedback and made a course correction. I mean bro, that’s something right there.

If you are believing all these rumors that that was the plan from the start, then man I don’t know what to tell you.

Why is a certain group of players so bent on trying to bad mouth and not even appreciate the smallest of victories when they come? It’s absolutely amazing to me.

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The only problem is the one in your head. You are free to choose to play Classic Forever, or move onto TBC at no cost. If you decide you want to play the other, you can still roll a brand new character for no cost.


It’s true we all know they just want profits. It’s true we all know what they really mean when they try to come up with some reason they have to charge us.

But stop and think for a moment how the masses would actually react if at Blizzcon they really just said, “This doesn’t cost anything for us to do and we don’t really have to charge you for this to make a profit. But we’re greedy and we care more about profits than your experience so we’re going to charge for it.”

You act like they’re doing it out of the kindness of their hearts… you know we’re paying them right? With… real money?

What cloning problem? There IS NO cloning problem. There never was.

Okay, maybe in your mind, you are imagining some “problem” that relates to cloning. I can’t imagine what that “problem” is.

How exactly is this affecting you?

They sent out services and a lot of people got a different amount asking if they would be willing to pay that amount.
Some got a survey asking 10, 20, 40, ect

The first thing you learn dealing with customer surveys and interviews is that customers have no idea what they want. There’s a massive disconnect between what customers say they want and what they do in practice. Obviously Blizzard looked at the data and picked the highest pay point with at least a majority said they agreed they were willing to pay that.

Of course in practice, no a lot of people were enraged about it. It should have been priced in line with other paid services of the 20-25 dollar range if they wanted it all to be in line with their pricing but hey customer data sucks


What problem do you have, that you think Blizzard caused?

Blizzard offered you a path to TBC or to remain in Classic Era. The choice is yours and either path is free.

You want more? Well you will have to pay a little to get more.

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I’ve no data, but I will guarantee you that a majority of respondents did NOT choose $35 or more.

So you, being the altruistic creature that you are, always price things you want to sell on the AH at far below the price you could get?

Just don’t buy the copy service if you don’t like the price. Get over yourself.

Do you have the customer data in hand to say that most people did not agree on a survey?

I can tell you customer surveys are filled with people who claim that they will do all sorts of stuff but in practice…no they won’t do anything at all like that. Customer lying in surveys is kinda a huge problem



Just… No.

just yes.

Customers lie on surveys, over exaggerate, and don’t pay attention with surveys all the damn time.

I think the clone cost honestly should cost as much as a server transfer - if you don’t want to pay to clone your character there is all sorts of free alternatives, much like a server transfer.

Blizzard, with actual customer feedback, disagrees with you.

If the forums were any indication, everyone will be staying on classic forever servers too.

I guess we’ll see what customers do in practice eh

I don’t think you’re very good at analyzing data.


The only thing we might be able to glean from the forums is that most people here is that they will be eternally unhappy with WoW, regardless of its state.

I’m happy.

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Well Now the costs are Fine . If you want to countinue your Journey with Same Charakter at Both games.
I mean they are putting a lot of work . Someone have to Pay for it. As costumer I am happy with the actual State and options.

I Think By the option to be no More Classic anymore or TBC to be a fresh Start and every Classic Charakter to be deleeted - (worst Scenario for me)

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