Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

I said that this is a civil case which has a lower standard for liability than being guilty in a criminal case. And DA’s very rarely file civil cases, which yes they can do.

As for the OJ case yeah, and hopefully the DA this time doesn’t have investigators on record calling all males incels… kind of tanking their case.

I think it’s because you have no life.

You understand thats not even kind of, sort of, remotely close to the same thing.


Once again… that’s not how any of this works. Its a civil trial so plaintiff or defendant not “guilty vs not guilty” and preponderance of evidence, not “reasonable doubt.”


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Sounds like a sausage party. Sounds like the in game world chat conversationalist.

You don’t know what you’re talking about… That’s ok but… JS!! Let me try to explain it…
The criminal case against OJ was brought by the state… but as stated criminal cases are an entirely separate animal.

The civil suit against OJ was by a private entity against another private entity. To get a private civil suit going you basically just need a lawyer willing to take your money. Usually not a tough sell…

This is a civil action by the state against a private entity. These kinds of suits just aren’t brought unless the DA is very very very sure they can win because unlike a criminal case you’re basically kicking an ants nest and if it turns out you’re wasting a bunch of tax payer money attacking an employer for nothing you’re gonna have a real hard time come re-election

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This was posted in another forum by Notglinda:

I found some of the comments by employees pretty interesting.

I’m still in the wait and see category. There is no doubt that there have been, and are, issues in the gaming industry as a whole when it comes to gender and pay discrimination. Heck, that is true of software engineering as a whole where the majority of software engineers are male and only about 25% female.

But these issues aren’t specific to Blizzard so if you are going to quit a game over them then you might as well quit playing all computer/console games. I mean gaming, in general, has a very negative reputation when it comes to toxicity and it should be no surprise that some of that leeches over into gaming companies.

About 20 of the 5000 Blizzard employees have come out publicly supporting some or all of the complaints. Blizzard has stated they’ve made changes and the claims are distorted. Hopefully, the truth will come out in court. Or, as I stated before, more likely BLizzard and California will agree to some sort of settlement.

I’ll still withhold judgment on the specifics of the Blizzard case and let it play out in court. I sincerely hope that whatever issues are validated are appropriately addressed.

My opinion is that there are many significant issues in society of which gender discrimination, including equal pay, is one that needs to be addressed. But the merits of any particular case are something I’ll leave to the courts.

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12 days left on the subscription currently. I’m not the strongest willed of individuals, several of my friends are going to continue playing, and the pessimist in me sees very little actual effect in removing my subscription. The fact that I never quit over the Hong Kong event still bugs me from time to time, but then my dumb brain just goes “durr BGs are fun tho.”

And it has been a long time since several companies have seen a dime from me over similar reasons. Just because it’s prevalent doesn’t mean we should act okay with it. As someone who enjoys Lovecraft, there’s definitely room in my hobbies for “problematic creators,” so long as I feel I’m approaching it responsibly.

I don’t know about you, but typically, coming out against a company as large as Blizzard, and as an employee in the industry no less, is probably something that gets you blacklisted. Not to mention the number of employees who would have had to have been okay with it in the first place for it to have allegedly happen so openly. The former group I don’t blame for being scared/wary about voicing support, while the latter I can only hope get burnt with Brack.

Yes, they said they’re not the same company they were, in the same breath as saying it’s all lies. Feels off to me. I won’t hold it against people if they don’t feel the same, but that’s what I saw in the statement.


I respect your opinion, but as my Mom used to say “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face” :wink: It is often more productive to try and make changes from inside even if the impact we players have by posting on the forums and making complaints seems minimal it is still likely greater than our impact from outside the game.

I don’t know how many people quit over these types of issues. My guess is very few. If it makes you feel better, then of course you should follow your feelings. But, unless the number of people quiting over these issues is very large, it is probably just tilting at windmills.

It does take courage to speak out from within a company, but perceptions can vary by a lot, especially in a large company. The company I worked for for over 20 years was somewhat larger than Blizzard, about 7000 employees. I felt they did an excellent job of listening and implementing changes to address similar issues. However, there were still a number of employees that felt there were issues and not enough was being done. We did have truely anonymous manner of placing complaints which helped.

At any rate, you made a reasonable post so I felt I should respond. I hope you are happy wherever your journey takes you :slight_smile:

P.S. They didn’t say it was all lies, but rather was distorted. But hopefully the truth will out.

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Dang blizzard has 5000 employees? That’s like ten times the number I would have guessed considering the state of all their games.

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Around that number, I rounded up, the article said “over 4700 employees world wide”.

Why did my original post get reported?

if anybody is in cali, please stay in the hellhole you’ve made.


I mean you’re exaggerating but yes women are generally higher in trait neuroticism. As a net though, both genders add something (and cost something) to/of a workplace. Depends what culture you’re going for and what traits are needed for the job etc.

Game-making requires creative thinking to be emotionally in-tune with the playerbase as well as technical thinking and the ability to detach when needed.

Pretty much, they are fighting FF14 for the top MMO spot and the state for the lawsuit. :laughing:

good one, dude.

No, I am a little kid.

How does it feel, as an adult, to be arguing with a little kid?

What a mystery this is…

And they know they can get away with it too. Because even if they’re not heeded, they won’t suffer any repercussions for making false or outrageous allegations because women have that privilege.

Welcome to the Current Year.

And that’s what I don’t understand about all the tweets and other “statements” coming out. These people are making themselves look like fools right now. But it’s like they can’t help themselves or something. They have to say something. So they make really vague statements about society, about relationships between men and women, etc.

And it all reads like some political campaign. God knows these people do not function or talk like this in real life. But on Twitter, it’s like everyone think’s they’re Superman yelling at Zod:

“Truth and Justice! Now leave those children alone!”


You should fire your paralegal for writing all this crap. They didn’t do a very good job.