Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

That won’t happen

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I can have a different opinion from you, in regards to something, yet still think that you’re a decent and reasonable person.

With regards to the allegations, I don’t know what to think really.

Blizzard doesnt treat their employees like theyre human. Not surprising that they let something like this go on without doing anything. Happy that their ill treatment of players and their own employees is coming back to bite them.

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All business needs to move out of Cali imo

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Because moving out of the state suddenly makes you a decent human being?


This is an elected DA suing one of the biggest employers in the state with no political provocation. If they’re going all in on this… they’re pretty dang sure its a slam dunk case

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Kudo’s to Bush’s torture apologist and new Blizzard exec btw for sending out an email so tone-deaf it actually admits to things we didn’t even know yet. If some of the allegations are “over a decade old” that doesn’t absolve you of guilt… that just shows this kind of terrible behavior has been rooted in your company for much longer than we even previously assumed…

this thread

i read the entire thread. i spent the entirety of the last two days in retails GD dealing with absolutely horrible people who seem to hate women and don’t care about our safety. even me mentioning how unsafe virtue signalling is to actual victims of assault was, and that and every post i made after it was flagged to try to get me falsely banned.

then i see this. you beautiful man. have hvh forever. i don’t care. it’s not just this particular post i’m responding to, lol. but the fact you’re actually a good, decent, not woman hating man. that you understand. and you care.

i’ve been accused of being a man hating R frat jock who hates women all day, because i care about the women who are harmed by this, and not just blindly hating for the sake of hating.

it’s so strange i come to tbcc’s GD and it’s you of all people.

thank you for restoring my faith in humanity.

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oh man, that is so true. been saying this for awhile now. soon courts will require women provide extraordinary levels of proof, due to all the false allegations.

yeah. the idea behind #metoo was a good one, until it was robbed by people who were using it to get attention. a man “staring” at you making you uncomfortable is not the same as being the victim of… you know what.

edit: feeling uncomfortable is both a valid and appropriate response, but it is not the same thing as what some of us have gone through. that isn’t victim blaming. they are both not good things. but one is SIGNIFICANTLY more damaging to someone long term, and also actually illegal.

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i wonder if we’ll ever get original kael’thas voice actor back, now that he’s been found not guilty

here is an edit. you saw what i had said. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, usually a guy admiring you is a compliment, not a court case. lol

See the OJ trial. JS.

Also, read the lawsuit. It’s so ambiguous and full of may haves and no names, where’s the 2 years of investigation gone? What has it turned up? It’s not in the filing.

And let’s remember if it goes to a jury trial, it’s guilty beyond reasonable doubt. That lawsuit is full of reasonable doubt.

I was talking to my wife yesterday, we live in one of the fastest growing tech hub cities n Canada, there’s a new startup in every old firehouse and department store that goes up for sale. This kind of stuff is rampant in the tech sector here, and I can just imagine what it’s like in CA where the companies, salaries, and cities are bigger.

Most of these guys (general statement) who are in powerful positions grew up barely speaking to girls in high school, didn’t have a girlfriend in college, came out of school and got a job in tech, and eventually started making good money and having to supervise or hire women as coworkers. And they don’t know what they’re doing, can’t handle it, and act like idiots. And the incel behavior kicks in (not all out but to a degree).

I’m sure some of this suit is legit, but they have to prove it in court. And from my amateur legal comprehension, it looks a little shaky.

So why on the forums 24/7? Do you even play the game anymore?

You should most definitely have formed an opinion. And then, because none of us are going to be the ones in court, allow that opinion to be changed or verified based on further information.

Right now, all we have is the real craptastic statement by Blizzard, the lengthy court document, and a bunch of former employees claiming it’s true. Add in the knowledge that the general AAA gaming industry is rife with this crap, and yeah, I currently believe Blizzard is 100% guilty. I will be paying attention to the suit, but as it stands, I have 12 days left on my subscription.

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This isn’t a criminal case though, it’s a civil case beyond a reasonable doubt doesn’t apply and doesn’t require all the jurors to even agree. The state just has to prove that some damages have occurred and then it becomes a matter of how much those damages are worth.

Someone mentioned OJ earlier, how well did his civil case go?

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Not talking about the civil case, I’m talking about the State vs.

It was supposed to be a slam dunk case (you had said state cases are supposedly not filed unless they are?)

Again, just saying.

In the hope of seeing you.