Activision GM the new President of Blizzard

If leadership gets lambasted when things go wrong than they deserve credit when things go right

It’s events that happened under their umbrella.

Are you saying leaders are only allowed to be criticized for the bad things and never any good? That’s super lame.

Can’t wait to have Nicki Minaj help us take down the Void Lords lol.


So you think this antiquated game will just keep trucking on forever? Interesting.

Jim Hinson had a wait and see attitude and now we have wrong sounding muppets.

And who gave this score and why is this scoring authority the only one in existance allowed to have a viable score?

Everquest 2 is on it’s 19th expansion so . . .

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At least they hired internally and didn’t bring in an outside attorney torture apologi-

Oh… wait.

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Different business models. They have a small niche community of whales that dump loads of money into buying $300 family expansion packs and micro transactions they all mostly play 3 to 6 accounts. The game is F2P.

WoW has consistently been shrinking.

Eventually it will be down to less then 1 million players.

Would Microsoft cater to that?

It’s possible but history says Microsoft is going after 7 million subscribers and sheer volume of players. Heck D4 sold 10m copies. That is HUGE. Just not sure how long they settle for a dwindling player base.

It could keep going but the merger puts a kink in that plan.

No, I don’t think that.

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Its a she well there goes the company

Isn’t even a Blizzard sanctioned event. :person_facepalming: :rofl:

Is NEVER going to happen… I can’t believe are delusional enough to think there’s any chance at all of another version of WoW.

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No, but I am saying that reading comprehension isn’t hard.

source? SOURCE???

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trust me, bro.

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i love how the one single tweet he made about sale runs ever has turned into “mike ybarra’s primary source of income for close to a decade was RMT raid sales”

They never even said anything close to that lol.




you don’t see the difference between making a tweet and routinely selling runs through an “official RMT service”?

You can literally buy gold in the game.

You new?

Star Wars: KOTOR Music- Inside the Sith Base (

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