There’s some convincing arguments that can be made which point Romney to the left (atleast slightly).
Same can be said for Malcolm Turnbull (former PM of Australia for the Liberal Party, whom are conservative).
However I feel that is because the line between left and right is moving more and more to the right. Thanks in no small part to News Corp along with the rise of Trumpism. Hell, something like the ACA was seen as “communist” by the GOP even though it was modelled after a GOP policy. Which I will admit is a bad example as it was Mitt who brought it in for his state when he was Governor of said state.
It should be noted that the position of the “center” is different here in Australia than the US. The Democratics are seen as the “left party” but if they were to run here, they would be our Liberal Party when it was under Menzies or even Howard. While the modern GOP would be something like Pauline Hansons One nation or the new “United Australia Party” (aka Clive Palmers party).
I’d consider Romney a Centrist if anything, seeing as he’s willing to work with both sides if and when it’s plausible to do so
Yeah, I suppose I mean in relation to the Republican party which is generally more right wing.
The US has a different grading scale when it comes to the rest of the world. Even then, there are currently splits in both parties. Both sides traditional factions are currently contending with Trumpers or socialists. If you include third parties, the Republican party is really the only right wing party in the US. I can’t think of any right wing third parties that aren’t some obscure far right niche which no sizable population would vote for in modern day.
At this point the ever nebulous Left means everyone from Walt Disney to Karl Marx.
I don’t even know why we bother with literacy.
Well, from what I gather? The Left just means the Far Right Trumpists thinks it is against ‘murica because something something god ordained us to be here.
It’s all insanity at this point
In simple terms, the rightwing movement is one of regression and the leftwing movement is one of progression.
Its why you got certain people complaining about America spending money abroad… like Ukraine instead of on Americans. But when faced with the question “should we give this money to americans?” there is another resounding NO because that’s socialism.
It’s dystopian as heck.
Reducing people to numbers to make a quarterly profit margin.
Because it was an effort to qualify diversity, which isn’t something we’ve heard about outside of who has been hired for DE&I positions. This is the only thing we know they’ve worked on in regards to that subject matter. I thought the general response would’ve been that people were glad to see some sort of effort put in. Because they didn’t have to make this program at all really. This is something that was allegedly made in employees free time, it’s something instead of nothing.
They did, because they needed numbers for good publicity.
So their quarterly earnings reports could improve.
The program isn’t good PR.
It has some potential use internally as sorta of a rough metric. It’s also a potential pitfall of … do we just give this character xyz attribute and no further thought.
If I was at a job interview and someone slipped me a piece of paper to diagram my attribute… I would cringe and re-evaluate if they where hiring me for my skills or value or work ethic and moral. Or if it was because they had to fill out a chart to make investors happy or meet some arbitrary regulatory bureaucracy.
I’m reasonably confident nothing would’ve been the superior choice.
Tap dancing Christ how hard is it to do research on another culture? Or, if you’re a billion dollar company, just duck mothering hire someone who’s already an expert and preferably already from said cultural group?
This is a completely psychotic approach to the idea of broadening representation and the idea they’d proudly present this is proof positive this company is a hot mess and quite possibly beyond salvage.
Absolutely, but they thought it would be.
Why else would they release such a massive article about it?
Mainstream democrats in America are right of center if you use the international standard. Actual liberals that meet the definition of the word are a minority in the party, progressives and leftists even more so.
They are just as beholden to corporations as the other party, they just back different Industries.
It’s just so telling that they’d think this was a good idea.
Honestly I think it’s creator should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize because this has truly united everyone in mutual disdain and bewilderment.
This might be the most offensive thing they’ve ever done. But it’s also so inherently idiotic that I’m laughing too hard to be mad.
Please, somebody tell me what’s the most ethnic? How about the most gender? WTF does that even mean? It feels like a confused alien biologist made it.
I don’t care for the people who proclaim any non cishet white man protagonist is box ticking, forced diversity. But that’s literally what this is.
How any human being thought this was a good idea is beyond me. Talk about an out of season April Fool’s joke.
Reducing people, their lived experiences, gender/sexuality, etc down to numbers is the most insulting, idiotic and out of touch thing I’ve seen.
We’re all unique, with different experiences that shaped our view of the world and reducing people to mere point totals to be checked off is, well it’s heartbreaking and infuriating
Why do these idiots making some of my favorite games keep thinking that I give two flips about diversity?I don’t play Wizard in Diablo 3 just because she’s asian, I play her because I love her freezing demons solid and shattering them into pieces. I don’t play Lucio in Overwatch just because he’s black, I play him because I love booping people off cliffsides.
Diversity doesn’t matter, making sure the game is fun and functional is what matters.The exhausting desire to cater for the sake of representation is becoming incredibly annoying.
Then again, people have become increasingly twisted with their obsession with race and sexual orientation. It doesn’t matter to me but I’m sure someone is pleased to here about this bizarre system.
It’s just so fundamentally inhuman to try to take something as nebulous as culture and give it a numbered rating. This really does feel like something a confused learning AI spat out.
Idk if you need a tool to remember other social groups are a thing I feel you probably have no business writing a story.
So far it seems to be liked by no one. Because not only is it algorithmic tokenism, but it appears to be working off the idea that cishet white men are the default human from which all others must be compared to.
Ya know I thought I was being comedically hyperbolic when I accused Blizz of being run by insectoid bean counters who speak in graph.
But then they come along and do something like this and it turns out that was just an accurate assessment.
Between that and rhetorically asking if the devs were drunk in regards to their design decisions I feel like I need to shut up on the off chance I’m somehow manifesting this.
One can only hope that this well crafted “system” is disposed of in the nearest active volcano with the criticism it’s receiving but for some reason I doubt it.