OH I know who they are but I did trademark it™
Gratz to Lore He got a promotion maybe now Ion will ask him questions at the Q&As
Not sure - let’s just blame Activision.
I actually knew which was which a while back after I spoke to Activision Aust trying to reach Blizzard by phone. The staffer explained it to me and was sympathetic, apparently I wasnt his only call on this topic.
“Blizzard runs their own show” were his exact words.
BTW Ythisens, yes yes I know you cant do anything, yes yes I know thats for the management etc.,but FYI…having a few Blizz staff handling tickets and issues in OCE hours wouldnt go astray…US time is 17 hours off.
That is why i called Activision in the first place.
Let’s be honest. It’s possible Blizzard alone are the ones who lost touch with their player base, as the Diablo 2 producer Mark Kern described. It’s possible Blizzard are turning more corporate with their incessant microtransactions and that Dreadwake mount for 180 days game time. It’s possible Blizzard freely chose to host Black Ops 4 and Destiny 2 on their bnet launcher app. It’s possible they dug themselves into this hole and Activision are fully innocent.
However, the way they dug themselves into this hole is indistinguishable from how we’d expect them to do so if Activision were exercising more and more influence on Blizzard and milking little favors out of them.
As far as the quality of the product in the sense of azerite gear, class design, etc… Yes, that’s definitely Blizzard’s fault. Not Activision.
activision controls blizz by messing with their funding and pressuring them to make games that benefit stock holders and not players.
Activision says cut costs, blizz says how much.
activision says sell our crappy games on your launcher blizz says yes sir
Increase playtime with no regard to if that time is fun? you got it boss
Get rid of your cfo and let us plug in one of ours? YEP!
Sacrifice the “its done when its ready” motto for profit. What old motto?
Essentially blizz now is the hollowed out corpse of the old blizzard that are on the greedy puppet strings of activision.
More ranting with no solid facts. I swear I just turned off the news a while back to avoid this crap.
The way I see it. It’s similar when a child does something wrong the parents sometimes have a hard time accepting that their child which they love dearly could do any wrong. Its easier to blame their friends, the media, video games whatever.
People absolutely love blizzard and their games, it’s far easier to accept that mean old Activision made Blizzard do bad things. Truth is, everything you see in Blizzards games is most likely of their own design. I think people just have difficulty accepting that.
Weighing up all arguments, evidence (Hard and Circumstantial) and with a little bit of speculation I can conclude this: A Shift in the Blizzard side of Activision-Blizzard has occurred. There is enough evidence (The Blizzard CFO that quit last week previously worked on the Activision Side of things) to suggest that Activision certainly may have played a part in this shift…but the bitter truth that I can piece together from this mess is that the Shift is at least 70-80% (nearest Whole Percentage) internally Blizzard’s. And as a long time Blizzard fan (Earliest Games I can remember Playing were either N64 or Warcrafts I and II)…it does hurt to rationalize that.
It does hurt, as a Fan and Supporter, to see the company I’ve idolized so much change so much for the worse.
Damn dude, they are a for-profit company that makes a game where you constantly kill things. They were never solely dedicated to feeding starving children or curing the sick.
So if Blizzard Entertainment decided buying Take Two was a good idea, they could do so without ActiBlizz’s management and board approval?
I guess the definition of words like “independent” are fluid in this day and age.
I am amazed at how many people are freaking out about a launcher.
Yes if they outright purchased it and put it into Blizzard entertainment (effectively closing and taking all their assets), IF they instead did a stock deal for the stock of Take two then that would be handled by the stock holding company Activision-Blizzard (formerly Vivendi games)
Much like how Yum! owns KFC and Taco bell as two independent companies.
So where would Blizzard Entertainment get the money? Issue stock?
Then explain the absence of Diablo 4.
So where would Blizzard Entertainment get the money? Issue stock?
Exactly which is why Blizzard would not be the one purchasing other companies and would leave that to Activision-Blizzard (the stock holding company)
That’s easy! Why make a game with depth and all the development time to make something great when you could reskin a Chinese mobile game and stack itr full of microtransactions in an afternoon and call it a day? right in line with making games for the stock holders not the gamers.
That’s easy! Why make a game with depth and all the development time to make something great when you could reskin a Chinese mobile game and stack itr full of microtransactions in an afternoon and call it a day? right in line with making games for the stock holders not the gamers.
Wait, are you saying that Blizzard (a publicly traded company) is acting the same as every publicly traded company that has ever been and ever will be as they are trying to keep stock holders happy ?
Say it isn’t so.
Because Blizzard, being the small indie company that they are, only has enough money to fund a very small dev team of 3 people. All of whom had to do all the work for the Chinese company they were supposed to have outsourced the lion’s share of the development work to and they’re not large enough to work on more than one product at a time as a result.
If read forum long enough. You should of figure out most of it half truth at best. the other have is made up.