Nah, just don’t join and insta leave keys for no reason and you’ll probably be fine.
They’ll never kill M+ as long as it remains the only option to crest farm.
There’s a big difference between having a gray area, and the entire policy being a gray area.
They won’t kill M+, but they might kill pugging if they go down this route.
If blizz would cut LFG back to single servers or small groups only, the problem would probably start to solve itself.
Of course that’d open up some other ones, but what can you do?
Not make a terrible decision that will lead to people being stuck in doomed groups because there’s nothing clear about the new policy which, in itself, is about policing players who leave premade groups.
Nah, it won’t do anything. Literally nothing changes except a few people who didn’t do keys continue to not do them and say that they don’t wanna get banned.
Just leave.
Edited because I failed to do my homework.
Relativity Check did I end up one of the players banned this week?
No - Then my behavior likely falls within acceptable parameters.
Yes - Then maybe I need to evaluate my M+ etiquette.
Please guys stop typing in chat why you are leaving.
you wont get banned if you accidentally pull mobs and say “sorry that was my bad” and missing interrupts or messing up boss mechanics , make sure you apologize after.
what are you doing lol? Dont type in chat, Accidentally pull mobs, dont interupt , fail boss mechanics, get healer killed.
So many ways to doom a key timer.
Apologize after and say youre sorry, make sure timer is no longer timeable before you leave. try make sure someone leaves before you as well sometimes so youre not the firs tperson flagged in their system
Where did you get that number from?
Nowhere in the blue post did they specify the number of players banned.
so just troll groups instead? thats more waste of my time. i would just like to leave doomed groups and not be banned, thats not asking a lot.
I have a feeling that instead of leaving groups on the first trash pull, trolls will simply go offline instead.
Unless you leave a lot then you don’t have anything to worry about.
That’s how I understood the initial post.
Now if you’re in a m+ group and can see that the key isn’t going to be timed, that you’ll probably all wipe on the last boss, etc… and you leave to save your current score, and if you do this a lot, then you could run the risk of having your account actioned is also how I take this.
I don’t run groups myself. I’m just going by what others have said as well as how I understand the initial post.
And in this case, it is quite literally applicable.
Either you stay and deal with the toxicity, racism, etc. or you leave and POTENTIALLY GET BANNED FOR IT.
Yes, that’s called being held hostage.
Sorry. I retract that statement. I was perusing a Discord discussion that had a link to the blue topic and the Discordians of said group said they knew of 2 players banned. From the tone of the conversation, I thought they got their number of players from the blue post itself.
The nether, they seem to have pulled it from the nether.
Blizzard does not announce penalty actions unless it impacts a fairly large number of players. More than 2 certainly.
This is a slippery slope.
This is one of the worst ideas you’ve ever implemented. I’m so glad I’m letting my yearly sub expire in a few weeks.
I suspect it’ll be reversed by 11.1 when they notice a SHARP decline in M+ participation.
People are not going to risk having their accounts banned because they don’t want to stay in toxic groups or groups with no chance of finishing within a reasonable amount of time.
It’s not even hard to fix the leavers.
Give people, say, 5-10 penalty free leaves a week.
If they exceed that, the first time, their ACCOUNT (not character) is prevented from joining ANY group for 30 minutes. The second time, 60 minutes. Third time, 2 hours. 4th Time? Until the weekly reset.
When weekly reset occurs, all penalties are reverted and they get the same amount of penalty free leaves a week.
This still punishes leavers, leaves room to escape toxic environments, and gives M+ers a good “stopping point” for if the M+ pool is TOO toxic for the week. (Let’s face it, if you encounter 5-10 toxic groups a week, you probably should try again next week, this is literally waht people have said on reddit, the forums, etc. for years now.)