Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

This sets an extremely bad precedent, unless the threshold for what’s considered griefing is extremely high.

If I choose to leave a Mists key because the tank keeps on getting killed by Patty Cake, that should not be held against me. And knowing how much of a hellscape the +2 to +7 range is for pug keys (I’d rather run a 12 than stick around for some of the +4s I’ve seen), and knowing that everyone in the +12 range is chasing score and will leave after a single wipe if it means the key cannot be timed, how many bricked 12s does it take for someone leaving those bricked keys to get banned for griefing?

Again, this sets an awful precedent without further clarification. What is “a great many times?” Because I’ve seen extremely low keys and extremely high keys get bricked “a great many times” and in both cases it is genuinely not worth staying in those groups.


Odds are this is people intentionally trolling groups rather than just leaving.

Also lol that this gets banned but not some recent, obvious exploits.


Or if the tank pulls all and then leaves.


Can’t wait for the complaints to start rolling in

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So now you’re telling the griefers to cause as much chaos and never leave while the other players get banned for then leaving? Lmao is this for real?


this also.


They can complain all they want. I’m grabbing my popcorn.


Good of you to try but I doubt it’s gonna have much of an effect since you can only punish the most egregious offenders. You’d be better off redesigning M+ so failure isn’t so punishing and one person can’t ruin things for the whole party. Treat the disease, not the symptoms.

At the very least, crest rewards should not be reduced on a failed key, and keys should not derank, or at least should not derank because of a single leaver. You’ve designed a system where a single wipe can negate most of the reward and leaving has no consequence for the leaver (but does have consequences for the keyholder) of course people are going to leave at the first sign of trouble.



Ohhh baby the thin-skinned altf4 tanks that think they’re immortal about to be seething.


Yeah…just saying, “We will ban you for leaving M+ groups” without any real explanation how it works is a pretty horrible way to do this.

Just another thing to drive people away from M+ because they just don’t know.


Big same - soon as the news dropped I rushed to the forums lol


Could you expand on this more? Because I would love to hear how you decide what you think determines “repeatedly and recklessly disrupted Mythic+ groups.”.

I dont think I left a single group first this season but I also did the least amount of keys I’ve done in years. I also did not really have any toxic groups and simply leaving a key when you know the you are not timing the key is not toxic. Please do not simply drop this one post and never say anything else. So many questions to be honest


Yes, they are incentivizing you to convince the group to disband to avoid account action noe with this knee-jerk reaction.

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damn now you cant leave the m+ even if an emergency pops up.

intense for a game that likes casuals so much :slight_smile:

*im gonna assume its for people who do it often or something. it’s a bit crazy.

This is a giant leap backwards to those that don’t want to have to waste their time with a group that just can’t get it done.


u better be clear with what is “repeatedly” so we get an idea. what is this blanketed title.


What a great idea - force people to say in a group they no longer want to be part of.

Can’t see what will possibly go wrong here lol.


It isn’t punishing in the least.

I never leave a group first, but this seems a little much unless it’s for griefing.

This is a problem with the design of M+, but Blizzard would rather take it out on players than redesign M+.