Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

Also this. So many other fixes need to happen to m+

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Nah, it’s just a matter of volume/intent. Leaving a key that has no chance of finishing in time or at all isn’t the same as a spited guy just joining key after key and leaving specifically to ruin keys.

Defining exactly what is too much lets people toe the line so they keep it vague.


This is most likely for people intentionally breaking keys by going in, leaving and then joining others to do the same for long periods or even all day. Im sure its just the extreme cases.

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You guys use a bot to find these people as well? We all know how well that works out for people who just play the game and then get banned out of no where with no recourse.


Yeah, people who’ve been declined too much and just snap.

I disagree. Players entered the courtroom (in this case the queue) willingly. Blizzard has the gavel or final say.

Hopefully now I can have less jerks who sabo keys.


The post implies that unless you’re doing this a lot, nothing should happen to you.


Would be interesting to know what “a great many times” means. I’m guessing its more than just a couple a day, and I also wonder how they know. Are they now keeping a record of some sort of how many times all players leave a group over some set period of time? Or is it based on reports of some sort?

so just wait for a second death? loooool gl to them enforcing such rule. might piss some people into quitting.

I am hopeful they also ban people with low dps, don’t use defensives, and don’t interrupt then. This is a terrible stance to take, even worse since they are applying this new policy retroactively


People are definitely going to misread this information as “oh now I can’t ever leave a M+ group.”

Blizzard likely has logs of these folks bricking keys purposefully to harm others.


These “actions taken” is just a PR move to build “good will”, it will be done once, and probably won’t happen ever again

Move on people nothing to see here

Naw. Just gives trolls incentive to work around it.


Well, there have been a few people I’ve seen or heard of who’ll just sit there and spam join keys all day and leave immediately after the key is put in so I imagine this is targeting the people doing it very maliciously.

I’m not disagreeing if Blizz can/should ban people.

I’m just saying they should be explicitly clear about what they are banning people for.

Is it when they left the group? Is it how many groups they left? Is it them expressing their intentions to brick keys in chat?

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Until Blizzard further clarifies what they mean by “a great many times” this sets an extremely bad precedent.

I’m all for punishing people who leave at the literal start of a key regularly since that’s egregious, but anyone who thinks that leaving keys as a whole should be punished hasn’t pugged their 11 Grim Batol down to a 7, watched the tank they pugged die to Patty Cake three separate times, or watched the worst Ragnaros tank you’ve ever seen manage to brick a +4 key.

I can assure you, staying in those sorts of groups is not worth it.

Until Blizzard clarifies what entails griefing, I think the reverse should be true too and that people who are just terrible players should get banned for griefing keys. People who refuse to press their interrupts in multiple keys? 6 month ban. People who refuse to press their defensives? 12 months. DPS who get outdamaged by the healers? Permanent IP ban.


Then stop punishing the groups for not completing dungeons in time, we dont know when a boosted character with 630 ilvl, 2700 io and no experience from Area 52, Ragnaros or Illidan is in our party and mess everything, if im in a party that is wiping over and over again in the first boss or worst, the first pull, for me its a waste of time and gold, and now im obligated to stay, complete the run and get less than 100 gold and spend 1200 in repair.


You aren’t punished for not timing either.

Its a poorly written post that leaves out all important information to be honest.