Actions Taken to Address Exploitative Gameplay

Omg, what would I expect from a person who takes literally everything ever written by any person or corporation face value.

Whatever. Im getting tired of your idiotic nonsense Factman.

Edit: Of course it seems random to you, why “dense” was the keyword.

you are incapable of accepting a basic scenario because “everyone works on a tuesday”
you can’t even accept that in this scenario the druid in question doesn’t work on tuesday…
You must be god awful to watch movies with if you have zero suspension of disbelief.

Please don’t come back

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why would I? they’re retailing this game so hard…

I appreciate the communication, but at the same time I am troubled about them merely warranting a “suspension”, unless the are of the thousand year type.


Maybe instead of throttling actually try and fix the problem. The only reason cancel scanning is a thing is because Blizzard has allowed undercutting as an option. In order to sell your items you have to be the last one to list an item. Fix the REAL issue instead of using a very failed bandaid fix.

Big agree bud

You added nothing but bloat to the economy. The “entire playerbase” that cares about the economy, and were not boosting or being boosted, will not miss you.

Does anyone else find it weird that he typed a literal wall of text to say 1 thing?

“we banned over 74000 cheaters”

literally the entirety of his post.

i didn’t boost ppl or get boosted, but nice assumptions.

@kaivax so first off… you’ve inadvertently admitted blizzard has ignored the botting problem in classic… how long has blizzard been ignoring this? second, if you terminated 74k botted accounts then why are “we” the Real Paying customer being punished with instance locking? if blizzard has the capabilities to ban 74k bots then why implement a lazy solution that hurts the real player base? is blizzard incompetent? do they not care about their loyal customer base? a multi billion dollar company “Thanks to us the paying customer” does not have the resources or knowledge to combat botting? how? why? who asked for this Change? Punish the bots not the real players!!! WE PAY WE SAY! WE PAY WE SAY! WE PAY WE SAY! WE PAY WE SAY!WE PAY WE SAY! WE PAY WE SAY! WE PAY WE SAY! WE PAY WE SAY!WE PAY WE SAY! WE PAY WE SAY! WE PAY WE SAY! WE PAY WE SAY!

Sure are a lot of 1 post sock puppets in these threads.

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Still posting on your 54 druid I see, care to show your main?

Thank you for informing us of recent account actions to ban cheaters. While I hope this isn’t unusual and you’ll keep banning the accounts as soon as you can, it’s relieving to hear that a lot of bots are being banned so we can try and clean up our servers.

Oh look, the guy who claimed he was done responding to anyone not L60 is still responding.

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And… how many were “closed” and how many were “suspended”?

Did you say, “close” 1 account and “suspend” 73,999 accounts for 1 week?


Would have been great 5 months ago. Sub is remaining cancelled for a few months to see if the issue rears its head again without any action being taken.

they refuse to give us an additional info other than a number that they easily could have just made up, they expect us to trust them after they have proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted.

I’m with you on this, I’ll re-evaluate when AQ drops or is announced, but I have a feeling I won’t be returning.

The real question is, wheres Kayberz