Actions Taken Against Unfair Gameplay

Do you actually understand what you just said.
They did fix it, it should not have been unprotected like that to begin with.

Yep, I understand what I said. So what you’re trying to say is that the method call that is used by the /who chat command is something they should have never had as a public method? Nope, couldn’t disagree more.

you just proved you dont understand at all, nor do you want to, so there is probably no reason to have further non productive conversation.

I also see a lot of what I believe to be botters in the Barrens, Hunters that have almost no gear on for their level and Chinese named pets grinding, should we report these as possible botters?

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I have reported a few of these. Also check for them just east of Kargath, where the rock elementals are. Was a bot hunter farming those mobs as well.

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Yeah I’ve been reporting them regardless, I was curious what others thought…I don’t want to be a jerk but I don’t like the gold sellers that compete with me, that includes Blizz and the Tokens

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don’t worry, if its not a bot they blizz will know. I just sit and watch them sometimes to see them run their route. If you see a pattern def report.

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I totally will …thanks

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some are bots, some are farmers.
While the farmer is doing the same thing, it is human operated.
They still are not terribly player-ish when they are human, they have 100% the same goals as the bots and are usually following TLOC waypoints for efficiency, but they will do non bot-ish things at times, like avoiding you like the plague, when you kite Termenus the Devourer to them.

The Bot will just stand there and get eaten
Or worse, it will keep trying to loot or farm while it is being killed, which is hysterical.

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You’re not even on this game, and necroing an irrelevant 2 year old thread.

hush potty mouth

Why are you people incapable of doing a reset on time? Do you understand how many people you screwed over today with the random reset?

Have you considered not going afk during battlegrounds?


kaivax may i kiss u on the lips?.. with ur permission ofc

Your “team” or rather I say automated bot system, for handling reports and people cheating etc also banned my buddy who got spam right click reported by numerous players on the opposite faction. He had just came off a 3 day ban for terrain abuse, which wasn’t what was happening. Ironically, 15 minutes after his ban was lifted he was banned 3 days again for terrain abuse even though he wasn’t in a bg, and took a flight and when he came back from AFK that was his statement. Lmao. He even provided his live stream link so you can see he wasn’t in a BG and yet your ticket team said he was in a bg abuse terrain.


Glad I’m not invested in this dumpster fire

You should have your friend appeal or seek clarity in this forum:

Blizz posters answer most every time.


Yeah he went with the live chat interview with someone, and they said that they had evidence that he was in a bg safespotting and ban was upheld lmao. I was literally with him in disc from when he logged in until ban, and wasn’t even in a bg the 15-20m he was in. He’s over it now he’s back in game. But I know of numerous scenarios similar to this one. That’s not to say people do get banned justly, but the system is inherently abusable because it’s ran by automation. The only people involved are the ones mediating appeals.

Nothing there is ironic.

It is, however, hilarious.