Actions Taken Against Unfair Gameplay

What’s up with horde classic racials?

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I hope that happens but I’ve been sorely disappointed by Blizzard Activision Blizzard for years.

Amen brotha’! Amen! I played AV meta just long enough to get exalted. WSG is where it’s at. Tri-Spec priest pvp is the best.

What is up with paladins rendering horde racials rather moot?

They are kinder than i, but i think you can only push so far.

What’s up with bothering to post responses to known forum trolls?

Don’t feed them, they never get full and are always hungry.

Pot meet kettle


How many degrees of separation until this excuse stops working? If I manually write out a script and then run it, am I not having my machine replicate my inputs?

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What part of “automation is not replication” do you not understand?

Blizzard understands it even if you don’t.

Software that replicates manual inputs in the basis of all automation. Simple concept for your simple mind.


They aren’t the same thing.

Too bad YOUR simple mind doesn’t get that.

You’re kinda troll-y yourself, sir.

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They’re very clearly the same thing, and I’m asking how many degrees of separation from the manual input does it take before it’s unacceptable automation that violates ToS.


Agreed entirely.

The actions taken on the characters not directly receiving a manual input are automated. That’s a simple fact.

However, Blizzard seems to approve as long as there is a manual trigger action to catalyze the automation. Interestingly, remote desktop is against ToS, yet also requires a manual input to automate interfacing with the UI. To your point, it seems there are no definite rules around which automation programs are acceptable and which are not.

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But there’s a very clear trend of methods that pay more money to blizzard being acceptable automation.



Gotta let them starve or they will tie you up all day.

Anyways, you been in AB yet?
Still have 4 hours of work left, then i might go see if i can’t die gloriously somewhere between blacksmith and lumbermill

I’ve played this game for 15 years buddy and never once got suspended or banned when i didn’t deserve it… in game.

Got an instant queue. Foaming at the mouth for it. Was a loss but super fun and refreshing.

You can stick it to premades in AB, too. Fairbanks premade with mostly marshalls beat us but we got 1080 resources on them.

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You say this but there are already AB bots who circle the map on mounts…

How long are the suspensions for, by the way? Anyone know?

And did they remove any of the rank gear they acquired during botting?

(the reason I ask is because botting will still pay for itself if suspensions are short and no gear was removed)

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