Actions Taken Against Unfair Gameplay

We dont know, and i dont think it’s something that blizzard is going to just share.

Unless you have some one pop in that was verifiably banned and feels like both admitting it and sharing, we probably are not going to know the details.

Oh, i can think of worse.

Can we have an exact or rough estimate of the number of suspensions? Seems really vague on the amount of suspensions you issued as according to some people on specific servers the violators are quite numerous. If you could provide a better estimate of how many accounts were punished it would perform a better job for morale that this company is taking actions. IE if the number is only 50 in grand total then shame on you as that is but a drop of water in the ocean, the greater the number the more morale effect it would have on the community that this company is taking it seriously.

I feel a good portion of the community is only paying to play classic, and our hopes are monthly fee’s are valued by the Blizzard staff to take such actions more often and more seriously as they can have a greater effect on the community, and the public image. Other game companies in the past have been proud to state how many cheaters they’ve taken action against for the reason of improving their public image.

Can we ban horde now? I haven’t checked, but I’m pretty sure invading a peaceful continent and griefing devs by forcing them to develop content to keep them entertained and corrupting the cow people and interfering with our rightful duty to purge the land of undead is against the CoC.


We can tell…

Yes, me and a bunch of other guys put on white robes and used Mana Bombs on about 400 people that were waiting for the Sunwell Isle valor vendor to be activated. While shouting ALLLAHHHH!!!

It was a joke but Blizzard was understandably not amused.

Only time i got suspended in game.

Define harsh penalties? 3 day ban for a repeat offense of stealing materials isn’t enough. Materials deleted from the thief but not restored to the victim isn’t enough.

Original Post: Restoration of scammed items - #8 by Orecchiette-farstriders

My post pleading for better results: Change of Policy and Restore this mans items!

I can provide names and dates in private message if needed

I agree wholeheartedly with you and what that post is advocating. IMAGINE just IMAGINE botting for 1-3 months and only getting a suspension:

Like, you mine as well just say, “Hey, b****es, if you keep paying us, we won’t punish you (more than a slap on the wrist for appearance sake) for botting, hacking, cheating, scamming, etc.”

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They are not going to tell us that.

:Insert the “It’d be a lot cooler if you did” Gif here:

I agree. The company that intentionally broke the WoW Census addon for the purpose of non-transparency and censorship is definitely not going to tell us how few suspension they’ve actually given out.


that is not why they broke the addon.

And they could boot 10,000 and they still are not going to go giving details or numbers

i was banned last month for 6 months. i don’t think they take gear but cant tell because banned. also i don’t know if my ban is longer or shorter than others but it was the first account action on that account no warnings etc.

Ok thanks Phourize! That’s a significant ban, it definitely would deter folks.

Why do you think they broke the addon?

What a load of hypocritical crap.

Because, how the API allowed it to work (which is the fault of the API of course) let it flood the backend

And it was not just the census addon.

Remember at first all those gold spammer idiots flooding the place
with mass channel invites?

They were using the same flaw in the API to do that.
The change kind of put a brick in their pants too.
I am sure they caused more backend issues than the census addon.

So you’re saying, that one of the non-protected method calls used by WoW Census Classic had a clear programming issue and rather than fixing it, they just made the method protected? Yep, I could 100% believe that’s why they did that tbh.

Do you actually understand what you just said.
They did fix it, it should not have been unprotected like that to begin with.

Yep, I understand what I said. So what you’re trying to say is that the method call that is used by the /who chat command is something they should have never had as a public method? Nope, couldn’t disagree more.

you just proved you dont understand at all, nor do you want to, so there is probably no reason to have further non productive conversation.