Action Targeting issues

About Action Targeting and broken cleartarget macro

So, you made support of gamepad/controller and you bring up new Action Targeting and Interact Key for players to make it easier to play wow with it, so they don´t need to use extra buttons for targeting ground or nameplates. But you still have much more large base of players using keyboard and mouse, so we will be talking about PC controllers.

Action Targeting - assumption of intention:

Helping with auto targeting nearest enemy based on camera direction and clears target before acquiring new one. It keep acquiring new targets, until player clicks on the nameplate or use a macro like “/targetenemy” or “/targetenemy option Set directionIndicator”. Then target sticks as priority and won´t change until it dies.

At start of the expansion, macro /cleartarget /cast spell stops working. Reason is simple, there is some interference with Enable Interact Key option, which was always on even when we turned it off… Later it was fixed, but interference between macro and enabled Interact Key is still present.

  1. Behavior without Interact key - You pull three enemies and macro clears target and spell targets enemy in front of me, adds autoatack and keeps that target, until i turn on other enemy. Macro switches on new enemy. When enemy dies, macro switches on another enemy and keeps holding it´s target

  2. Behaviour with Interact key - works as 1. - UNTIL one enemy dies. Then it clears target and does not attack. You will see you losing your target with evey key hit (enemy hits you and you get target back until you hit macro again) - you loosing autoattack or you just standing, doing nothing. Probably because macro is trying to target dead corpse?

Purpose of this macro for MELEE: When tanks are constantly moving mobs and mobs constantly running around, melee have difficult time to stand near his target, so this macro clears target which is FARTHER than character or simply away and targets CLOSEST enemy. So player can stand at pack, doing his damage, always attacking something and not SEARCHING for his target.

Purpose of this macro for RANGED: Simple switch from one enemy to other enemy while facing it and switch when enemy dies.

Purpose of this macro for ALL: No one wants to:

  1. mouse CLICKING/HUNTING constantly moving nameplates (until there is raid icon or certain circumstances)
  2. TAB 10 times to find his target in pack of enemies or cycling enemies
  3. rotate through several enemies in front cone with /targetenemy optionSet directionIndicator
  4. using /targetenemy which works pretty same as 3

More references:
/cleartarget not functioning properly? - #18 by Shv-tichondrius
Target Nearest Enemy Macro not working anymore - #5 by Jeicé-darkspear

Because this macro was broken with permanently Enabled Interact Key, i started using your Action Targeting system, which was more convenient, but there are several issues, let´s go through them:

At first:
There are at least two types of PVE enemies, probably more. Small ones and large ones. Small one is for example Primal Proto-Whelp and large one is Primal-Proto Drake. Action Targeting completely ignores small ones and prioritize large one over small one, when exists in the pulled pack. In raids i observed i have always something in target, that means Action Targeting is not ignore anything (yet), but prioritize even larger enemies above lesser ones. Or maybe it just simply bugs out.

For testing purposes, i did not used any macros and i´m not using TAB targeting anyway.


  • ISSUE 1
    Often previous target sticks in my target, even when i´m facing new target and old target is farther behind my back. That means this Action Targeting system is unreliable without adding a macro to target enemy, which of course breaks the functioning (locks on one target until it´s dead) of Action Targeting, until enemy is dead. Worst is in the instance/raid, where i very often find myself finding my target and trying to stay behind it when Action Targeting broke. And it probably “broke” because of some enemy size/type is applied and prioritized.

  • ISSUE 2
    Action Targeting does not clear your FRIENDLY target. That means when i right click on FRIENDLY NPC on the battlefield and i do want to continue killing enemies, i had to clear my target with ESCAPE or use macro (which locks the target). CLICKING on friendly target counts like CLICKING and locking on enemy. It should not.

  • ISSUE 3
    Often happens i´m attacking NAMEPLATE, dealing damage and seeing it´s HP lowering, but in my UNITFRAME i have DEAD TARGET of previously killed enemy. When i tried to set raid icon on dead target on my UNITFRAME while still damaging NAMEPLATE target, raid icon did not show up (because dead target can´t have raid icon).
    Main issue there is autoloot + quick move, which locks target on dead body. As you can see in the video, it happens even without quick move after clicking on corpse for loot. It´s game bug - tried w/o all addons as you can see in video. Normally you should bend down to loot, wait to pop up, wait for loot to go to the bag, game autoclears dead target, char stands up and THEN you start to move - but when you click on body to loot, loot popup and you start moving immediately, dead body locks in target.
    THis bug is easily reproduced:
    A: When you loot dead body, all target should be cleared.
    B: But when you click on body and quickly move forward, dead body stays in the target.
    At the end of thread, you will find video.

  • ISSUE 4
    I had enemy in my target, casted The Hunt and it ignores enemy in front of me and hits some URN behind it.
    This can be ranged spell issue.

Staying close to pack of mobs, always having something in target close in front of them, without need to constantly repositioning to keep damage flowing without constantly solving different macros - which one time works, other time works different one. (for example i still have “/console TargetNearestUseOld 1” in my macro editor, which once stopped working too). You keep messing with target macros from expansion to expansion. And i´m watching them and trying to adapt from 2007.


  • BUG 1.
    I´m very often finding myself having no target in instances, while facing enemies and have to “hunt” moving nameplates for it…
    It´s same issue as melee and some weird prioritizing of enemies or completely ignoring them.

  • Bug 2
    I pulled few enemies, CLICKED on another one which i wanted to pull, it was slightly right from the main camera angle and my spell goes on enemy NOT IN MY target, but in the main camera angle.

  • Bug 3
    Than i started to do some intensive research.
    Main issue there is probably some distance bug (or camera directionIndicator): We have 40y range spells, when i click on enemy farther than 40y, my buttons goes red - that means enemy is too far away… But when other enemy stands close between me and farther enemy in line, my UNITFRAME holds on farther enemy (and spells are not red), my NAMEPLATE holds on farther enemy too and i am casting on nearest enemy and more… When i start moving left and right, to get my near enemy out of line, my buttons toggles between red and ready state.
    Funny thing is - hunter´s shot have 40y cast and will be casted on closer enemy (which i don´t have in target), while Kill Command have 50y and will be casted on farther enemy (i am targeting).

How to reproduce bug 3:

  1. Have enemy A farther than 40y
  2. Have enemy B closer, exactly between enemy A and you, for best results - some enemy fighting friendly target like 26.04 38.10
  3. Target enemy A (farther one)
  4. Cast → spell goes on enemy B, but in UNITFRAME and NAMEPLATE you will have enemy A.
  • Bug 4
    As you can see in video below, when i have dead target in my UNITFRAMES, i can´t AOE with hunter.

  • Bug 5
    In video(0:30) you can see a bug, where i had farther target i cannot reach, but i´m shooting on nearer target and when i get closer to my nearer target while having farther target selected, my spells can´t be used, until i move back. I´m sure you can imagine chaos in dungeon/raid, when tanks rushing, enemies moving left and right, Action Targeting bugs out (or selected some higher priority) and we are hitting escape in frustration to get new target.

Autotarget new enemy when facing other direction and new target immediately after first target dies for constant spell flowing without using extra targeting macro. When ranged CLICK on something, it should cast on that target, not randomly on other targets.

There you have some videos.
    [Loot bug video](
    [Target bug video](


  1. Remove enemy prioritizing when Action Targeting is enabled
  2. Fix Action Targeting completely ignoring some enemies
  3. Remove any friendly target before retargeting enemy Action Targeting is enabled
  4. Fix dead body autoclear to prevent “beating dead corpses” (visually)
  5. Fix ranged bug, where manually selected farther enemy should not allow using spells on closer enemy.
  6. Fix Interact key interfering with /clearenemy /cast spellname combo

This has been happening to me as well. It’s so frustrating and I’ve died so many times because of it. I have 3-5 minor mobs in melee range, punching me in the face and action targeting behaves as though there is nothing there and targets some elite mob way off yonder and pulls it. Meanwhile, my ACTUAL target is the dead mob behind me. My /cleartarget, /targetenemy macros are also broken now. I’ve seen multiple posts about these issues and so far, to best of my knowledge, no acknowledgement from @Blizzard about it either. This has been broken since the pre-patch and I REALLY wish they’d respond and say ANYTHING about it. Glad I talked myself out of the 1 year sub offer because I simply don’t see myself playing for 12 more months like this because I’m not very good at manually targeting, I get lost in all the unit frames and end up panicking and dying, lol. It’s just not fun and the lack of response from Blizzard is starting to make me feel angry. If your entertainment makes you angry, it’s not really entertainment anymore.


if you enables game console. you can explore action targeting variables. this includes friendly targeting, range, and fov.