Action house is still bug



Blizz when are you going to fix this bug? Is a mess ever since you launch the new AH


Having the same issue with Widowbloom and several other items…

Please fix this.

Seeing the same issues here. Can’t buy Spectral Flask of Power, Progenitor Essentia or Rising Glory. “This item is no longer available”

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I just tried to purchase Spectral Flask of Power, Progenitor Essentia, Widowbloom and gems, cannot purchase them. I am putting flasks up for sale and they sell, so clearly some people are able to buy some. But this is slowly dwindling. Rising Glory is already bugging out for me as well and it keeps trying to adjust the prices. Same thing happened with Widowbloom yesterday.

These issues directly impact how we play the game.

If this can’t be fixed, revert the region wide AH changes until a fix can be found. Because this has been going on since patch and it’s getting worse.

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It’s still broken, even after a prolonged shutdown! Seriously, WTH Blizz!

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Yeah since the last 5 days and counting… Have tried to buy Protogenic Essentia and people even undercut them down to 1s each! They are an essential material for Legendaries. I haven’t been able to buy and nobody can sell. There was no mention of maintenance in the first few days and then on Sunday, there was a notification for a rolling start for an hour on Monday and normal reset. Still nothing fixed. What happened to testing and maintenance of a big change like this? A Company is supposed to fix problems, not completely ignore them. I really wonder why I’m still here…I wish, I just wish…

I am having the same problem with essences.

looks like Essentia is bugged again too. there’s 3 postings of 1 for 1s, 1s 10c, and 1g. I tried to buy 20 to see if it would clear the bugged stacks and it does not.

I’m sitting here refreshing it over and over just to try to work out what is going on.

I see the three broken items Ronduil mentioned, although I see them at 1s, 1g and 3g. Because of the “can only buy cheapest listed” rule, I am unable to buy any at any combination of number or price.

However I also see new ones appearing at normal prices (i.e 2000-3000g) and then disappearing as though they were bought as I refresh.

I put one up myself just to see - had a few I gathered myself in ZM.

As soon as I listed mine, a whole bunch got put up below mine, so perhaps I listed it a bit too high to do a proper test.

So now I’m wondering are some people able to buy the ones listed above the bugged ones? Because that is wildly unfair. Or, are some people spam listing-then-canceling to make it look like things are being bought.

I apparently listed mine a bit high to rule out the latter, since the price of ones appearing then disappearing is now lower and mine is stranded. I listed another at a new low price. Immediately a bunch more get listed below mine and my lower one is now stranded too. But there are still tons being added then leaving.

OK, the new low one actually sold, that rules out some elaborate post/cancel scam to lure people into posting low - but it means some people are actually able to buy the ones that are stuck behind the broken ones while most of us cannot.