Action Bars keep getting reset or disappearing

Has anyone got this issue? I had this 2 times happened to me and didn’t want to fix it again cause I feel like it would just keep going on


To correct this bug my ui keeps getting reset on the main action bar though I have not enabled additional actions bars yet…. It seems like that would also happen to a “reset” ui


It is apparently the common thing the first time we log in on a toon. But I can’t say I’ve had it happen again when logging back on to anyone.

All my characters i had to reable all action bars the first time ive logged in but its fine after that

Yeah same. It happened a couple times when I first logged in to each toon, but it seems to have fixed itself quickly.

Yes, the action bars seem to be gone when you first log in. Re-enabling them in Options seems to fix it and I did not have issues after that on that char. I just have to do it on each char I guess.

Known issue, but minor compared to things like… Warband bank.

Talking about the main action bar where you know you press your key…. But is there anyway to fix it if it keeps happening?

I had to turn on my action bars yesterday and I just logged on today and the game reset my whole ui. I turned it back to what it was and everything was there but it seems like something new every day.

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That’s what I am saying, the UI keeps resetting on me too and that’s like more than once now

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I had not heard of the main action bar vanishing. Just the bars 2-8. Normally the main one being missing would be due to addons of some sort.

Have you done a UI reset? Use the option to copy/rename the folders so you don’t lose them if it does not help. You can just rename them back.

If that does not help, then it would be a bug for the Bug Report forum, or the in-game bug report tool.

It keeps happening to my newly boosted toon. Every time I log in the bars are wiped. Super annoying…just not even gonna play them at this point.

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Ya same here, keeps on happening my new boosted toon

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Ok that sounds like a very specific situation and very likely a bug!

It is. They even have a blue thread about it. No eta on a fix though

Try this solution


It happens to all of my toons under 60 before pre-patch and since I didn’t play much of shadowlands or any of dragonflight thats almost all of them. Every time I log on my action bars are empty and I have to re-assign each spell. Its become so annoying I have just stopped playing until the xpac drops.

It happened t me right after the patch, but I was able to load my saved profile from the “Edit” menu and then enable the extra bars in Settings and it has stayed the way I set it since then.

Had a ‘Gear Update’ on one of my old characters (level 68) and all my abilities and action bars kept getting reset after log-out (after taking 10 mins each time to fix). Was suuuuuper annoying. The work-around as described by creating a new talent load out works… this bug suuuuuuuucked.