Action bars blank eac log in... level 70 warlock

The action bars were blank when I logged in and had to enable some I use. They do not save when I log out so I need to put what I want to use on the bar again… virtually unplayable.

Same every time I log out of my warlock my action bars clear out. I have to add my abilities back to my bars every log in. Extremely annoying

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Same here! It happens on my newly leveled 60 with boost. It’s more than annoying! I hope it’s fixed soon.

This is also happening on my level 50+ Vulpera priest. My first log in was fine, but every log in since is to a blank actionbar.

Same on almost all my characters

only have one toon that the action bar doesn’t disappear on logout, My first tech help on a prerelease, anyone know when they will fix this?

Having the same issue on my characters. So frustrating >.<