Acquiring the "Dal" Battle Pet

After completing the world quest A Stolen Stone Fiend, you should be able to go behind the nearby building to acquire a cage key from Penkle. The description of the key reads, “Opens a pet cage within the Chalice District,” and the cage just to the right of Penkle has the interaction icon pop up when you mouse over it.

Unfortunately, the cage cannot be opened no matter how hard you try. Shard hopping by joining groups in the area doesn’t fix the interaction issue, and folks are crushed that they can’t obtain their little stonefiend friend… Myself included!

I haven’t seen any player fixes for this problem, but I will keep my eyes peeled for any solutions people might find. I’ll drop a comment with the fix if I do happen to find one!


posting to confirm that this is STILL broken (was posted about last week as well)

things i’ve tried, clearing cache, /reload, shard hopping, logging out and back in, coming back several hours later, camping it for an hour + spam clicking it. so far nothing.

after a little more testing, the key DOES open the two cages next to edgar the collector, but NOT the one that contains “dal”


Also posting to confirm this is not working. This bug has been originally reported over a week ago with no fix/response. Please look into this!

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Update that isn’t really an update: The world quest is up once again, and still no Dal pet!

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Yep…went to do it, freed the other stoneborn but can’t free Dal.

bumping to confirm that its still not working.

Same, did not work for me.

Once again, thank you Activision for caring so little about the players. As long as you get your money. To hell with everyone else.

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yep got the key, nope can’t open the cage

week 5 attempt 5 still no DAL

updating: still broken

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I opened up a ticket 2 weeks ago and they told me they know it’s bugged and that I should come here to post! Well it’s still not working! When you click on your key and then the cage it says “I’m out of range” when I’m literally on top of the cage!! I’m not angry at all I understand blizzard is a small independent company…