Hi there! <Acquiescence> is looking for more raid members who are punctual, reliable, dedicated, honest and can pull their own weight.
We raid Tuesday and Thursday nights, 6 pm to 9 pm PST. Flasks and Feasts are provided. We have JCs and Alchemists in the guild who can make gems and potions for you if you provide the mats. We also run Mythic+. We're currently 7/8 Heroic (G'huun to phase 3 multiple times. Need consistent members!)
We're in need of ranged dps right now (mainly Warlocks and/or Mages) as well as healers or dps with a healer offspec (Monk, Druid, Shaman, no pally/priest.) We're asking for an ilvl of 355.
If you can show up on time, perform consistently well, and are ok with a mature environment, send me a message in game, or add one of our battletags: Khloe#1719 or FrostyClive#1961. Looking forward to hearing from you!