Hi Pagle,
Couples Therapy is recruiting healers, dedicated dps for weekend raids! We currently run many groups clearing Karazhan each week and have downed Gruul as well. Our loot system is MS > OS with two soft reserve. We’re striving to create a consistent, fun team to play with a couple days a week. We’re a chill group of people to spend your WoW time with. Our Guild’s environment is upbeat and fun. Not too sweaty, not too casual. We’re a solid middle ground.
We’re looking for
2 Hunters - One beastmaster, One survival
1 Affliction Warlock
1 Healer - Preferably Resto Shaman or Druid (Priest only if deep discipline)
1 Enhancement Shaman or arms/fury Warrior.
Raid times (all times server): Saturdays - Invites 6:30-6:45pm. Pull at 7pm. End Between 10:30-11pm
Loot system: 3SR for SSC, 2 SR for TK, 2 SR for Gruul/Mag (if still needed). Tier tokens will possibly be on suicide kings (decision is not final)
Contact souldevice/eudaemonea in game or DM in discord or our recruiting officer, Minilox
Thanks Pagle you’re a peach!
Edit: updated recruiting spots