[A]<Couples Therapy> | Recruiting for T5 content Weekend Raiding

Hi Pagle,

Couples Therapy is recruiting healers, dedicated dps for weekend raids! We currently run many groups clearing Karazhan each week and have downed Gruul as well. Our loot system is MS > OS with two soft reserve. We’re striving to create a consistent, fun team to play with a couple days a week. We’re a chill group of people to spend your WoW time with. Our Guild’s environment is upbeat and fun. Not too sweaty, not too casual. We’re a solid middle ground.

We’re looking for

2 Hunters - One beastmaster, One survival
1 Affliction Warlock
1 Healer - Preferably Resto Shaman or Druid (Priest only if deep discipline)
1 Enhancement Shaman or arms/fury Warrior.

Raid times (all times server): Saturdays - Invites 6:30-6:45pm. Pull at 7pm. End Between 10:30-11pm
Loot system: 3SR for SSC, 2 SR for TK, 2 SR for Gruul/Mag (if still needed). Tier tokens will possibly be on suicide kings (decision is not final)

Contact souldevice/eudaemonea in game or DM in discord or our recruiting officer, Minilox

Thanks Pagle you’re a peach!

Edit: updated recruiting spots


need a geared experienced fury warrior ? =)

Our weekend team could use a fury warrior. Send souldevice/eudaemonea or Minilox a message in game. Or ask a member for the discord link and message them there. We’ll be happy to have a chat.

Fun group of people, fun raids, loot to be had! This is a good guild that avoids going too hardcore and still clears content. Several different raid times are available, and we are working to continue building out our teams. Contact our GM or recruiting officer, we’d love to have you!

+1 for shadow priests. I prioritize heals on shadow priests.