Achievements NOT Account Wide?

Hey everybody, wanted to draw some attention to an issue that has left me feeling completely frustrated. Maybe I missed something and if I did, that makes me an idiot. But missing the information doesn’t necessarily justify it being the optimal choice. What am I even talking about?

Achievements in MoP Remix are character-exclusive. As in, the achievements for getting your Rings, Trinkets and Necklace. You can’t use multiple characters to put all of these pieces together and then buy the items on your main.

Why is this a problem? It’s a problem because scaling is so unbelievably broken that doing all of the Heroic dungeons on a fresh alt saves hours and hours of frustration when compared to running them on a fresh 70. This same logic applies to scenarios and raids. I should not be spending 30+ minutes on a scenario and finding the last boss totally unkillable on my 70, when I can turn around and run it on my level 25 and clear it in 10 minutes or less.

Taken by themselves, scaling and restricted achievements are big problems but at least you can get around them individually. When taken together, as they are in the current state of MoP Remix, the experience becomes absolutely crushing. You’re going to hit the problematic scaling threshold long before you clear all Normal raids, Heroic Dungeons and Heroic Scenarios. You are effectively locked out of completing your gear set until you get enough threads and upgrades to become broken enough that the scaling is no longer a problem.

Alternatively, Blizzard could just make the achievements account-wide. Or fix the scaling. But to have both of these problems and to be doing nothing about them? Man, this event is just about ruined for me. And that really sucks because I love seeing Blizzard try new things, even if it is just a bunch of fanservice nonsense like this one.

With the limited timeframe, broken scaling, low bronze drop rates, continuous nerfs to thread farms and requiring the achievements to be done multiple times across multiple characters if you want to gear out more than one, I just can’t believe how badly this event has been implemented. Don’t get me wrong, with my 50+ hours in Remix, I’ve had a lot of fun and it would never be a permanent home for players by it’s very nature.

MoP Remix is great on the surface. But the closer you look, the more awful it becomes. If Blizzard wants to iterate on ideas to enrich the player base, either by giving currently-subbed players more things to do between updates or enticing lapsed players back in, this painfully untested FOMO petri dish is not what I’d expect to accomplish those goals.

I’m trying to make my feedback constructive but the truth is, this really pisses me off and I’m not sure I want to continue playing. I know it’s only a temporary event but this is supposed to be fun, innovative and engaging. It’s supposed to provide Blizzard with feedback on some things that they’re players might enjoy seeing more of, and to test upcoming systems like Warbands. But pushing this obviously broken garbage across the street without even looking leaves little wonder as to how it essentially makes players feel like they’ve been run over by a car after they get to 70.

Those are my thoughts. Please fix the scaling, or fix the achievement issue, or both. Definitely don’t leave it this way. Three month event or not, some of these decisions and/or oversights are completely baffling and ruin the fun of the experience. And if you aren’t able to respond to these criticisms, what hope is there for players to ever get another fun experience like this one that isn’t completely broken?


Works in devs’ favor. Not only does it necessitate players doing all the content over again on each alt, but it let them add bronze & threads to the achievements in a hotfix, and players can get those benefits once they redo all the content again on each subsequent alt.

Fun, right?

This is a seriously bad decision. Why would I not think these achievements are account-wide? And why would I not think I would have more avenues to improve the power of alts I choose to make? I don’t know who made this decision, but its even worse than not nerfing frogs during the PTR.


The issue that spawned this post has been fixed. You can now buy your Rings, Trinkets and Amulet on other characters, even if they have not personally done the achievements, as long as you’ve completed the achievements on at least one character.

Thank you Blizzard for actually addressing this issue, and thanks to everyone else who saw this post, made it visible or discovered and talked about the problem on their own. Cheers!

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