Achievements have lost progress

My achievements in progress including but may not be limited to Adventurer and treasure hunter of BFA zones that i had progress towards but not completed, have all lost all progress and only showing the kill from today (reset day 10.1.5)

Only yesterday, I killed all for adventurer of Nazmir apart from one which was phased out due to a WQ. Now they have all gone. I killed that one I was missing and then saw the problem. This issue could be on a lot of my achievements but I was only keeping tabs on these few this week.


I have the same problem with the Treasures of The Waking Shores/The Azure Span/Thaldraszus achievements. Progress reset even for items collected today upon relogging.


Yeah my Ember court achievements have lost progress as well.


I have lost all progress on this months travel log. I was at 1380 too. Also my achievement tracking looted gold reset . Says 0 of 200,000. I’m sure there is more missing.


Grand Treasure Hunter and Jungle Treasure Master for me as well.


So glad its not just me. I did log a ticket but wanted to see if anyone else had issues too.

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Same here; had all but one kill credit for Adventurer of Stromsong Valley; now ALL gone. I am not happy; sent a ticket and I just got back a check forums, blah, blah, blah response. Hope they can restore

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I am having the same issue with Treasures of Zaralek Cavern. I finished the last few I needed today and the achievement wasn’t awarded. When I logged out the progress was reset to having only two criteria completed. The chests and stuff I would need to interact with or loot are gone so I can’t repeat them.

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I am also missing progress on a bunch of achis. The ones Ive noticed are some shadowlands covenant achis and dragonflight rep/exploration achis. I was doing grand hunts to get my last companion colour for Tetrachromancer. I assumed it was just a visual issue but I got the last colour and now the achi shows that it is the only one I have.


Lost all progress on Court Favors… my last achieve needed for Party Herald


Some broken achievement progress I noticed in my UI:
“Framing a New Perspective” (Take picutes of vistas in Thaldraszus)
“Treasures of Zaralek Cavern” (some are missing)
“Fashion Abomination” (Abominable stitching, SL)
“Party Palace”, “Court Favors”, “People Pleaser”, “It’s Certainly Never Boring”, “Dredger Style”, “Rendle’s Big Day” (Ember Court, SL)


Same issue here, lost progress on all treasure achievements, on fishing spot achievements, and on shadowlands covenants achievement aswell…

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I have this too. I finally got the last item I needed for it (Gnoll Flail) and was excited. But I have lost all progress. Tried relogging but just lost progress for the flail now!

Same here. I finally go the jagged bonesaw to drop from Collector Kash for “Crypt Couture”, the last piece i needed. Didn’t get the achieve when i used it. When i checked, my progess on the achieve had been reset and now it shows I only have the bonesaw completed. I hope this gets noticed and fixed, seems to be a wide reaching issue.

I have also lost all progress on Treasures of Zaralek Cavern.
Had all but Bloody Body completed. Upon completing that the achievement still did not complete and achievement tracker only shows completed progress on the Bloody Body and Chest of the Flights.

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Same, Fashion Abomination Achievement, only needed 3 more, took months to farm, hopefully this can be fixed soon or at the very least acknowledged.

Pretty sure this has happened before, and it was fixed. You’ll get that progress back.

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Here’s hoping. Some of the achievements others have lost took ages. Fingers crossed

omg im not the only one. I finally got the ruby one for the waking shores treasures, but all progress gone

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Ooooo WOW all my Ember Court achievements have been reset, that is months of work. Like literal months of work. I am glad I’m not alone, but I’m sort of upset like I had so much progress and every achievement has been wiped to a fresh start. I hope this is fixable somehow, PLEASE. I’m also going to fill out a bug report in game as well. This has to be fixed, I can’t imagine starting over. I worked so hard, so much time! :frowning: