Aces High! Quest Bug (Wotlk Classic)

This quest is bugged and does not allow you to use your Flame Shield ability (5 on the pet bar) at all, I’ve spoken to multiple people with the same issue. Makes the quest extremely difficult to complete.


Just replying to say I also observed this. I thought I was going crazy because I was never this bad at using the drakes in the past.

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I have also experienced this

I am having the same issue

Same here.

Also it is a tad annoying that you cannot use your flying mount to fly back down after completing the daily / into quest. Have to use the drake you are given to fly back down -_-

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Same here. I thought maybe it was my addons but it wasn’t. I disabled them and still couldn’t proceed.

Just did this quest a few times to trial it and yeah can confirm that the Flame Shield is bugged and does not do anything after stacking combo points.

Holy hell I thought I was going insane, can confirm Flame Shield is not working properly. I was about to rip my hair out trying to get this quest done for the last bit of rep I needed…

On a related note, screw whoever decided to make the area in a 50-meter radius around the quest NPC a no flying mount zone, I died no fewer than 3 times because of this stupid bug in tandem with trying to fly back to get another drake and getting dismounted with no ground underneath me


Can confirm this quest is broken as heck and this is the worst zone I have ever played in. Random dismounts leaving you either falling to your death or parachuting for 5 minutes.

The shield doesn’t work so you have to pull the dragons out of the pack so a 2nd one doesn’t come in and ruin it, but if you pull too far back you’re dismounted and taking a coffee break for the next 5 minutes.

Blizz will do nothing because apparently their only QC is literally streamers playing beta and complaining about non-issues.

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Best strategy I could come up with to get around this is:

  1. keep Revivify to 5 stacks
  2. spam Flame Spike
  3. Stay max ranged to prevent Arcane Surge.
  4. if enemy channels Arcane Surge, fly out of range asap and use combos to heal back up.

Makes for a long battle with each drake but was completable.

you can also kite back a bit so that you are hovering/fighting over the quest-givers island, you can just float down and remount if you lose your drake.

Won’t this directly affect the Malygos raid? We need that flame shield working

Ah… you can only use flame shield after generating combo points on yourself using revivify, which means you need to use it 5 times in a row, since combo points are lost when you switch targets.

Additionally, I get dismounted while flying in the area so I fall and die… then my corpse is unreachable because it lands in the structure somewhere and I am required to take rez sickness…

Why do you even need the shield?
Answer: You don’t.