GTX 1650
256 SSD
580 bucks.
I pvp, do world content, mostly solo play, pug my way into mythics and normal raids. I only play wow, and plan to keep it that way. Tell me i’ll be fine in Shadowlands, that I can could maybe play with graphics on medium and didn’t just make a 600 mistake.
Damn those late night Amazon purchases!
Here’s a review of a near identical system in WoW with a variety of graphics settings:
Your system’s specs are really good (for a laptop) for WoW. Consider increasing the RAM up to 16GB and make sure you keep your laptop cool as best as you can to limit any performance degradation from throttling.
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Thanks a bunch, that was super helpful, I won’t cancel the order!
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I just reviewed this laptop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EESrX_BRyk
The AMD variant is much more powerful even in WoW due to higher single threaded performance.