Accusing Game developers of not playing the game

Always accusing the developers of not playing the very game they are helping to design. It’s like they design and gather lots of feedback and then comes those certain people and goes on the forums and start accusing the developers of not playing the game when in fact they do play the game but differently than everyone else.

FYI They have a different play style than you and you have different style than them. And we’re not a hive mind. Game design is a two way street and sometimes it can be a three way street.

You mean “street”? right?

No, he means steak.


I guess most of the forum posters hate the game developers and don’t even care about the game and just spread negativity on the forums. Well isn’t that a fact.

I’m sure there are plenty of devs that don’t play the game. At least not any more than is required for whatever aspect of it they work on.

But at the same time, people shouldn’t be surprised that the experience of thousands of people playing a game in an online environment is different than that of the relative handful who work on it.


Really bad take considering the main stuff they focus on developing is the content people complain about… sooooooooo, doesn’t matter what they play. Can’t highlight a raid for example, and not have a single dev who raids.


Yes we know they don’t play, this been known for years now.


I’m pretty sure they all at least interact with the game as a part of their job. But, just like people in the movie industry, they will see the game completely differently than we do. They see how the inner workings work, how things are put together. Their stories aren’t “yeah, me and my friends worked hard to kill this boss and then Josh spilled Cola all over his keyboard while laughing at this meme”, it’s more like “I had to get into contact with the art team to get this doodad into game, the end result was epic! Also Josh spilled Cola all over his keyboard while laughing at memes.”

Our view of the game (as the average player) will be more mystified and child like, theirs will be much more clinical. That doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy the game, they just probably enjoy it on other levels or areas that we don’t appreciate or see.

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mmm, steak. I know what I am having for dinner tonight.


^Posted by a Tauren. Nice.

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This conversation is a “damned if they do, damned if they don’t”.

If Devs play at a high level, they’ll be accused of designing only for a high level and ignoring low level/casual players.

If Devs don’t play at a high level, they’ll be accused of having no clue on the game they’re designing for.

No matter the playstyle of devs, if it’s known, it’ll be used as a bludgeon from players with an axe to grind.


it’s unacceptable that they don’t play their own game. that’s why many of their systems don’t feel too good. :100:


Is it? Isn’t that our job? Why play the game when people will do it for you for the purpose of quality control?

Actually,they maybe right to accuse. Mainly ,if you have one plan that worked for one expansion you would follow it and there is no need to play the game even if it were good or bad,just load it up and let it go.

I double dog dare you to try even make the weakest defense for this, Chases. :laughing: :point_down:

I suppose Dean Tachichi’s playstyle is different from how we people normally play games.

I’d love me a good rare one I like mine practically mooing no tauren pun intended

It’s like there can’t be a middle ground where both side can co exist but nooo. Because one side has to dominate over the other.

Pretty much the same topic posted in every game forum where someone is grumpy about a game.

I’m sure if any developer did see that original thread they’d just laugh the way I do with some teams I interact with in my job.

I do system changes and yeah for a while there was another team that thought this was all my team did. Err no it is one of 50. Ty

So you’re absolutely right they are playing a different game. Working and doing what is tasked to get paid. Some are working on multiple games and other projects.

No doubts that they’d take suggestions like that with a grain of salt.

Most of the players who make this claim play at trivial difficulties of the game. Just like these same trivial difficulty LFR players constantly use the terms elitist and gatekeepers.