Accout wide rep sharing

Reputation should be shared across your entire account. It’s getting to the point where just grinding on a main is getting to be a bit much let alone on alts. I get that wow has always been a really grindy gameplay but I think we’ve come to a point where something has got to change. I dont mind grinding out stuff on one character but when I want to play different classes I dont have enough time to do so on multiple.


It would be so cute if the Korthia reputation was account-wide!

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It really should

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Maybe if they put the option to be account wide without earning more rep if you do the same daily with an alt. Would be nice.

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I 100% disagree that reputations should be shared across your account.

Just putting that out there. :slight_smile:


I am against the idea of account wide rep and clearly so is Blizzard.


I agree rep should be the same for every toon on that FRACTION

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I’m not against it. But I wouldn’t mind it. Would definitely be a quality of life improvement, and would make WoW all around “alt friendlier” with probably minimal effort on Blizzards part.


You do realize the Korthia archivist stuff is account wide right… so anything you unlock on your main can be used or bought by your alt.

See im on the opposite side , i want rep to be even harder to grind , taking more time . But with way better rewards .

If its account wide , you can forget worthy recipe or decent ilvl gear from rep (which it already lacks due to how easy rep grinds are these days)

Disagree 100%. I would like to see more of wars between factions in zones where
we choose which side to be on. Account wide reps would not work with that.

I don’t think reps should or will be account-wide, but they can make it easier on alts. Catch ups are good.

Like a great help would be bringing back the MoP-style rep commendations that doubled gains for alts after your main did it first. Why on Azeroth did they stop using those? That should be standard for every expansion. Keeps the need to work for it, but it’s a lot less work.

Or they could add say rep dungeon tabards at exalted that your main can send down to alts. Or more easily obtainable account-wide tokens. Things like that would be nice QoL and very alt friendly.


I like being able to just quote myself lol :+1:

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Why not? This isn’t a physical object this is a video game, the only limitations for creativity are budget, management and “ViSioN”.

I 100% agree that those should be brought back.

Just putting that out there. :slight_smile:

Commendations or other reputation items that can be mailed from an Exalted character to alts to make their rep grinds go faster are fine, but I do not support accountwide reputations at all.

Reputations with factions are something that the character earned, not the player, and it makes no sense for a brand new alt in Dun Morogh or Kezan to be as beloved and as famous worldwide as an old character who has participated in every major storyline over the past 5-15 years of Azeroth.

Why not just have all rep rewards be BOA so you can send it to alts?

yes i agree rep adds so much to the game already, it should be more difficult, rep is good design because it changes the way you play the game and how you interact with the game environment and enemies, not to mention the practicality of it, it just makes sense you know, alot of games get rep wrong kinda like new vegas how reputation is how your character progresses through the story and the decisions they make have a negative consequence and thats bad you never want that ever, unlike in wow where its only getting rep for killing mobs and doing dailies, man dailies are so fun i love doing them so much they too add so much gameplay value id much rather be doing dailies than doing pvp or learning raid mechanics