Account with inactive subscription(veteran) being treated as Starter Edition

The moment the free weekend ended one of my accounts that had a inactive subscription (veteran account) is being flagged as a Starter edition account.

Cant acess my guild and communities (which was one of the perks of a veteran account), cant use my wow tokens, started banking xp for no reason.

Hopefully Blizzard staff can see this and fix this bug or at least provide a explanation on why this is happening.


That is correct…
No sub… Is f2p up to 20…
All restrictions are now back.

One thing i know for sure.
A veteran account is ofc not a f2p account since people paid on that account before.

The whole point of a vet account is that a returning player can communicate with their old guildies and get sucked back into the game.

Something that cant be done anymore since all the community related stuff was disabled

You can still… As long as I can remember.
Talk in a group…as well as talk to all of your friends.

You might even allowed to talk in guild chat… Not sure about that one.

Ftp can not make a group…nor allowed to be the leader of a group out side of a DG… When last one there, but still can not invite to that group another player.

After setting up bank tab yesterday… I wonder if I will be allowed to use that tab as a free to play player.

I tested it and sadly you cant.
At least i cant no longer see my battlenet friends if im logged on a “veteran” account, nor acess the community tab etc etc.

As for the bank tab that is a good question, unfortunally cant be tested right now.
Blizzard prob pushed the “all accounts without active subscriptions are now starter accounts” button.

People cant even buy wow tokens on their accounts without active subscriptions(based on a recent thread by someone, so clearly blizzard messed up something.

Use the desktop app to talk to friends, but once you start a chat with one… You also use the in game chat at the same time if you wish. You just can not start the chat from inside wow.

The point of veteran accounts was to be able to do that from INGAME, same with talking in guild chat etc etc which cant be done anymore.

I feel like some people dont understand the diference beetween a Veteran Account and a Starter Account.

Regardless hope that blizzard sees this and fixes the issue.

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The only thing that I can read into that is.
One was once a sub and now it is not. The other one never had a sub…

If they are closing the loop hole that bots were using to do the bot things. I am all for the ability to adjust the bot accounts.

Good luck with your line of thinking.

You’re welcome to ask in the Customer Support forum, but I’m reasonably sure this is working as intended and not a bug.

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Starter Edition:
Max lvl 20, cant whisper, cant join guild , cant acess communities, cant use mail auction house and derivates, xp it gains gets banked for when it subscribes.

Veteran account:
Max lvl 20, cant whisper unless the person is on their friendlist, cant join guild but can talk to guildmates if it was in a guild before subscribtion ran out, can talk in communities, cant use mail auction house and derivates, xp it gains isnt supposed to get banked for when it subscribes, used mostly by people who want to do specific pvp brackets.

None of this can be used by bots to do “bot things”, so clearly u have no idea what each one is if u saying “closing the loop bot things”

So good luck with that line of thinking.

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Unfortunally if it was i wouldnt be here.
This issue started after the “free weekend” ended.

People can easily google what the diference beetween the 2 types of account actually are and how it doesnt really have anything to do with bots.

People create veteran accounts to be able to talk with friends and to do pvp related stuff, create twinks etc.

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So there’s no harm in asking over in the CS forum so a blue can confirm.

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Like I said before…
The only difference is the guild chat… That one I have not been in a guild to chat, but I have been talking in a Community as well as my friends over that last year I have been unpaid…
Been playing unpaid just about everyday for the last 10 years. Yes I paid many times over the years.

Clearly u dont know what ur talking about.
Veteran accounts can also participate in normal battlegrounds without gaining xp, something that xpoff characters (by the npcs) cant (those can only and only specifically participate in wargames.

Well if that was true, was not intended.

Well thanks… Good luck with your agenda.

I also noticed this. My game-time on my main account expired, and it is not recognizing I have a game token in my bags from the character menu like it used to. I logged onto the alt account (that is inactive, but veteran–has had a sub on it before) to check in with my guild, as I am the GM, and let them know what is going on, and I noticed I couldn’t open the guild roster or access my friend list on that alt account like it were starter edition again. Very frustrating. I turned in a bug report and a ticket, but hopefully this gets fixed asap with all of the limited time events going on.

UPDATE: Fixed now. I can use my token on the character menus on my accounts again AND they have their veteran status back where as free-to-play/inactive they can still use the friend list and guild roster/chat.

Yep, whatever blizzard did disabled a lot of things from “veterans”.

We cant use tokens, cant acess our guilds,communities, started banking xp.

Basicaly all lapsed accounts got converted to Starter Editions aka like people never subscribed on that account.

Same. Can’t buy tokens at the login screen anymore and my previously available gear upgrades for alts are gone.

Forgot to add that my ingame friendlist /battlenet friends etc was also emptied, probably another issue caused by the account being converted to Starter edition, dont know if anyone else had that issue as well.

Well, that explains a new alt that I decided to dink around with just now, on one of my additional WoW accounts (I have altitis out the wazoo) that has had subscription up until about a month ago. I assumed that since it’s now unpaid but with payment history, the guild bank would nevertheless work for this new alt. Lol nope.