Account suspension

Well, I suppose there’s something to be said for honesty.

I just want to caution you again:

But good luck to you.


ahhh gotcha still though I still dislike the guy.

Hey ill take responsibility for it even if its me defending myself which blizz doesn’t like and encourages you to block and report which I do most of the time though some people will get a response Only time you catch me talking is in bg blitz rarely or shuffles other than that im leveling hence my 57 alts lol I’m turning my chat off anyway idk why I turn it back on for shuffles. Sometimes i get too into the game is what it is ill take my suspension and just play on my alt accounts just wish i got to level my draeni before it :smiling_face_with_tear:

That is your right to dislike someone, best to put them on ignore and not communicate with them in anyway. Do not let you dislike for someone get you into trouble, Not worth it.

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it felt so worth it at the time especially since everyone in the bg disliked him and was on my side with the back and forth. Is what it is though 100% turning chat off.

Keep in mind actions from this will keep going up regardless of time in between.

I know I kept a clean record for the most part till these past two months which the system of stuff not slowly falling off is kinda flawed cause you could go 4 years without being reported and you get reported back-to-back bam you get permad even after 4 years of good behavior. Imma just not talk in game and stick to discord atleast I can talk crap without them hassling me over it to a ban cause im pretty sure if i can suspended again its a 30 day ban next than a perma not taking that risk. sucks I got flooded into this because of my son at first than me getting silenced than the boosting getting me a 7 week into this 10 day is what it is though even though it was worth shushing that naysayer.

Good behavior does help but penalties never go away thats why there a black mark that stays on the account.


They never fall off.

Your more then welcome to talk in game. Just remember if your thinking of an argument then your better off not. Honestly most of the time I do not pay attention to chat, even at times in party I do not even look. If someone is rude well they get reported and I wont hear them again for the rest of the dungeon.

Just remember would you say this to your grandmother or mother. If the answer is NO then keep it to yourself.

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Blizzard doesn’t want to make folks get into the habit of if they behave for a while, they’d be allowed to misbehave up to a point before waiting for the black marks to fall off before doing once again. That isn’t teaching them good behavior, it just teaching folks to foe the line without worry of losing their accounts.


They do not allow botters, They keep banning more and more. December they banned 300k accounts


they really got to step it up man on my second account making another warrior get on isle got about 10 hunter and monk Botters spamming the same boosting service. reported them and went on. makes it worse that we gotta form hunting groups just to report botters. I get it’s a constant warfare with them and might just wanna find the person making said bots and take legal action if it comes to it though im sure they would have done that ages ago if they had a probable cause.

That’s the bad thing. It’s not just one person or even one company. It’s a multibillion-dollar business with who even knows how many players. It’s not even just a Blizzard problem. It’s in every single game out there. And the only way to truly stop it is to stop idiot players from keeping them in business. So long as there are stupid players out there who keep buying illegal gold and services, these business stay in business.

Kill the market, kill the bots. That’s the only way it’s ever going to happen.


I have never bought gold nor will I ever but have been on the sites to see how much they sell for, imma keep it a buck I can see why they buy it you get alot more from that than you doing buying from blizzard. though they are cracking down on the people buying them even the innocent who get sent the gold from someone who bought it resulting in a account suspension. Think a bunch of people i reported just got something done to them hopefully the bots mainly just got 20 thank you for your reports while playing lol.

They do take legal action when they can and have won millions in judgements against bot makers. Shut some of them down.

They took out MMOGlider

And took down HonorBuddy/and their other bot versions.

Sadly many of the bot makers are in countries where US law can’t reach them. China, Russia, etc. don’t cooperate with US legal requests over things like this.