Account Standing (in relation to beta access)

Not entirely sure if this is supposed to go here, but I figured this would be the best place on the forums to ask a question like this:

So I know that the beta invites went out again and not everyone is going to get in, I fully expect it to be essentially random so it ain’t a question about “Let me in Crying baby noises
But it did make me wonder about something … so, for I think it was either BFA or Legion I got a beta invite and I gave mine away to my girlfriend, she was down at the time and I figured I’m a relaxed guy that doesn’t care about these things one way or another so… she can have it, as she really wanted it

But does this affect whether or not you get more invitations to other betas?
I’m asking since I know that some folks have tried to sell keys like this before, dunno for how much or whether folks have been successful in doing it, so it just got me curious if anyone knows if there’s any kind of “Account standing” in terms of being allowed into betas and the like
I can imagine arguments for both there being and there not being, so… figured I’d ask here, as people would seem the most knowledgeable out of any of the forum groups in terms of things like account standing in relation to specific topics, and in this case it being about beta access

Once again, its not me asking “Let me in” but just me curious about if there even is something like this in relation to beta access

Beta keys are handled differently these days. They don’t normally give out keys, but instead just flag your account for beta. One of the reasons, as you mentioned, was people trying to “sell” keys. The other, people scamming people while trying to “sell” keys.

Now days, if you get into Beta, your account is flagged on Blizzard’s end.

As mentioned in the announcement over in the General forums:


Alright, thank you ^^

I just got curious since, as I mentioned, I had used my key from a past expansion differently than what’s perhaps intended
So, thank you ^^


So what is the definition of community veteran? A streamer or blogger or someone who has played since Dec 2004?

Community managers make those choices, not much that can be defined by your fellow players or CS reps. You could ask in the linked thread.

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I believe it’s currently a phase 1 closed beta. with a very limited population.
Typically, community veterans tend to be people who have participated in Beta’s before and provided thorough feedback. It’s not uncommon to see the same faces in many closed betas/alphas.

The phase two beta becomes an open beta that pulls from the pool of volunteers. They tend to pull in waves.

Oh yeah?

I had always assumed it was automated and the system simply flagged random players for beta, but if they changed it recently from automated to a human being then that’s an interesting development

It depends where they are at. At different times, they look for different criteria. Early on, they want people who will give honest and actionable feedback. Towards the end, when they do stress tests, they widen their search and that’s when you could see some random selection/automation involved.


As Kozzae mentioned, who and how many folks are invited into beta is usually done by our Community Manager and Development teams so we’re not really able to provide a definition that may be used here.

Yes and no. There’s always been phases of testing, usually early alpha, that has a more selective invite, often only confined to employees and maybe friends and family.

So we do have targeted invites, but the vast majority of them are randomly selected from the opt in pool.


Is there a way to possibly pass a plea up to someone from a long time fan who due to health issues might not be around or able to play at launch to get into it? I entered Home Hospice care a month or so ago due to complications with Kidney and Heart failure? If not I understand, disappointed but understand. I’ve been trying to reach out for a while now but have had no luck.

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The current rules of the Support Forum is that the blues here (Support Forum Agents) don’t get to pass feedback and special requests to the development team and their Community Management representatives.

Buy you can address those folks by posting in a non-Support forum or using the Feedback support tool in the game itself.

At this point I just give up, I’ve contacted every lead I can find online, been all over the forums and got nowhere. I give up, Ill just deal with the fact I won’t get o experience Dragon Isles before I’m dead or too much and invalid to comprehend it. Been playing since Vanilla guess brand loyalty and failing health don’t count for anything… I’m done and defeated and accept my pending doom.

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They already did.

And I did attempt to address it.

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@Mirasol, I get it I give up I’m beaten and too tired to fight for it anymore…

This kind of thing is more done through other programs, like make a wish, as it’d better help sort everything out.

Make a wish helps children not adults with terminal cases, there are no programs that help with stuff like this, now trips and other things yes this type none. Yet again it’s moot I give up. I’m done, it ain’t happening.

Yeah, that was discussed and it would be nice if they had something like that for adults, but I don’t know of any.

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You wish … start a youtube channel with about 10k followers and you’re always in the Beta.

The vast majority of those in the Beta are from people who have opted-in. Compared to the very small number of streamers who likely were actually in at Alpha, not Beta.


I have beta and am asking is it possible to gift my beta access to another player?

Meaning take it off my account and put it on the other players account.