Account bound honor

Love battlegrounds but dont like being stomped in 1 or 2 globals from gear disparities. I think others would agree and this doesnt just come from a place of frustration but of missed opportunity to have more fun with other classes this being the most alt friendly expansion so the question is why not?


yeah it sucks when u dont got any gear or any way to get it.

but this is the best the gearing system has been in a very long time, and im impressed because in my experience the games are already a lot better than in SL. i rarely see those landslide stompfests anymore unless its a rly good premade


They have account bound honor tokens that drop from the boxes but imo they need to buff the drop rate on them a good bit.

Also might be worth noting that they are making this change (or have already made it, not sure):

Gear item level 312 or higher will be scaled up to 359 in instanced PvP.

I think it will help bridge that gap a little bit at least. Maybe not once people are in full conquest gear lol but overall I think they are moving in a positive direction for pvp gear.


The Honor Tokens seem pretty rare, and at 150 Honor to boot.
Having 312 Gear scaled to 359 (Heroic) seems fair enough, like how much more without it being too much free lunch?
Note! This still means players should be making good use of our PVP crafted pieces, within budget. Get those two PVP trinkets after first few wins and it will mesh up much better to what we have now.

u can get 408 in like 2 hours from 70 rn?

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I noticed not many people are mentioning wpvp when it comes to gearing up. I obtained 4 pieces today just from doing WQ that had gear as a reward. I also looted a few war mode chests throughout the day. As soon as I ding’ed 70 on my alt, I had enough bloody tokens to replace 3 of those pieces with the level 70 ones. Barely any effort on my part.


Really cool to see the feedback! While I do agree this is the best gearing that has been in wow i still think it would be cool just to get into the action having honor points account bound so when you get done having fun with your fully geared toon you can easily gear another from any excess honor you have earned just as another option.
Ive heard the world pvp gear from bloody tokens has set bonuses so they will remain as desirable for the ones who want them and conquest wont be account bound but as for baseline pvp gear it could be another way to use your honor and try more classes/specs.

Farm the honor in BGs from 65-70. You should have enough gear by then from the main quest to be fine in that range. Then youll have enough honor at 70 to buy the 411 gear as well. (Around 11K)

Once you do this on your main you can also use World Quests a little easier to gear up if youd rather do that.

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Alternately take like 5k gold for the mats to craft some 310 blues for your class which pattern you learn nearly instantly. Super quick way to catch up for leveling bgs.

sargeras premade every other BG lol.

They should increase the drop chance for the account bound honor tokens from boxes. I think that would be the best solution. Making honor an account bound currency would be cool but I’m not sure they have done that with any currency.

ive got this rogue sitting on a full set of honor gear and a fresh 70 holy paladin that I dread taking into BGs because not only will my 195k hp butt get 1 shot by a hunt, but my teammates will and have call me trash / bad / kill myself / etc.
account wide honor pls, or make the gear buyable based on a seasonal honor level.

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I have a healing priest, so I play with a piece of paper and pencil, I love writing down that complainer and just avoid healing them, there is no reason to heal some loud mouth who has never played a healing class or secondly can’t protect our healers.

The game is not all about killing the other side. You can still visit world PvP to just sit and attack other guys team if you like. As the hunter I hang out with the healers and I always get over healed if I see one of our healer being attacked I bounce the toon attempting to kill our healer even if it kills me I made a valiant attempt to block them from killing our healer.

I feel for our healers. Because I play one too.


Is it just me or are these like unicorn rarity? 150 is paltry with the current drop chances.


This would be another good way to catch alts up. The honor vendor should just sell the account bound tokens so you can exchange your extra honor you no longer need on a geared character to gear up an alt.


Tich for me.

Really cool idea! I never would have thought of it and maybe it would be easier to implement.

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Yummy <3 <3

Just wanted to second this and did a little bit of digging and they have a thread mentioning this from a wow community council if you are interested maybe awe can shed more light on it.Account-wide Honor Tokens

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I don’t think it’s gear disparity? I think damage is just too fast in this xpac, and it’s only the first month. It seems blizz is oblivious.