Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

thats not really true

each minor essences is basically 4-5% dps/healing

with 3 minors atm, and 4 in 8.3, you do the math that’s quite massive already without the major

also saying only rank 1 and 2 are fine is wrong should you care about your character’s strength, as many of the rank 3s have actual dps or healing gains attached to them, a few examples :

  • Conflict and Strife’s versatility bonus from the minor goes up by 60% from rank 2 to 3;
  • Memory of Lucid Dreams’ minor rank 3 gains a versatility proc of 388 versa for 8 seconds @ 70 neck which is 4.56% versatility, up from 0 versa at rank 2;
  • The Ever-Rising Tide’s minor gains a 20% chance to proc both the intellect and mana gain effect at the same, up from 0% at rank 2;
  • Purification Protocol’s minor gains a 25% damage bonus from rank 2 to rank 3.

pretty much all of them have a bonus like that gained at rank 3

off the top of my head the only essence that has a close to null dps gain from rank 2 to 3 would be the dps beam gained from m+, where the rank 3’s major only gains the ability to cast it while moving, though it can still be a dps gain should you get knocked away or something like that

no issue with people arguing the necessity of essences’ ranks, but get the correct information before spreading incorrect stuff

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Happy Monday!

Essences when?

So they actually do make a big difference? Damn, I think I’m about to start grinding these because I miss doing m+ on all my characters :disappointed:

:crab: 8.3 in 3 weeks :crab:

mega essences catch up when

I can’t wait until account bound essences, it’s going to be great!

FWIW, I did all of this stuff just fine in the first month-ish of 8.2 before I had essences over rank 2. It’s not like these things are required to complete most content. If you’re not pushing Mythic Raiding or Mythic+ above +12 or so, it really doesn’t matter.

Might matter more in PvP, don’t really mess with that myself.

It matters in Mythic raiding, PvP and high keys.

Which both Tiphess and I do.

A new day and no account bound essences. My second shaman would really appreciate them :frowning:

Account wide essences are not the answer.

8.3 will be the biggest flop of a patch ever, as all the players that quit 8.2 because they weren’t trying to grind rep or regular BGs will have no reason to return.

Just make magni give a quest at 8.3 release that unlocks all the rank 3 essences.

Any future essences should be BoA. But honestly, any future essences should be tied to storyline quests, if 8.2 taught us anything it’s that players really CBA to grind out tedious content.

Even if you make new essences BoA and give everyone all the 8.2 ones, if the new ones require a rep grind or some crap all the people that weren’t gonna do that in 8.2 aren’t gonna do it in 8.3.

They will just go spend their time playing games where you get to actively participate in the activities you enjoy, not grind rep for 4 weeks before you can play the game.


And if you force them to do so by gating their abilities, QoL and progression behind tedious and meaningless grinds, they will resent you for it.


I dont know why they arent making them account bound when they’re gonna knee-cap everything about this item in a year. Let people have fun while it’s around if this is all we can ever expect from them anymore.

Here here!

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Or they can just not be cooked and just remove the timegates. Literally no reason why people can’t collect the focused life anima from end of dungeon chests (or just do one +15), instead of the weekly chest. You already qualify for getting the reward, why must you wait a week to get the upgrade in your hand? Also screw the CTA/WV dripfed quests (yeah I know RiS isn’t really desirable, nor was WV great besides scrambling for mainstat). Having time-barriers put in place for performance-orientated items just generates apathy in players.


No long term payoff or lasting power which defies the major rules of MMORPG progression.

Gear resets are fine but having nearly everything else reset or rentals just feels bad for a MMORPG.


“Q: What will become of the rank 4 essences we’ve acquired in 9.0?
A: We’re going to try something different i.e. not deplete it. As you move to the Shadowlands, your connection to the heart will be depleted. It will be functional in other areas.”

They made LD4 “account-level”, yet gave this answer.

You still need rank 3 unlocked on that character to even buy rank 4.

Rank 4 is just a cosemtic change, so I can see why blizzard made that “account wide”

Yeah, but at least essence and account bound was in the same sentence :frowning:

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I hope everyone will have some happy holidays and I wish to all of us that we get anything that massively helps to decrease or remove the essence grind next year as a christmas gift :slight_smile:


i would use the word ‘disheartening’ to describe logging on to my alts and seeing a long list of greyed out essences.

That, and then they’ll just click out of WoW and not click back. I’m continually baffled by what appears to be the Blizzard mindset of “take your lumps, paypigs” when NOT playing the game is as easy as getting up from the computer.