Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

We are at the point where you are demanding solutions to made up problems.

Pick 2 Essences you like.
Go get them.

Default you get Crucible. Stick with it if you can’t be bothered to pick a third.

  • Dungeons
    M+ awards an essence for each spec.
    Run Mechagon for another dungeoneering based essence if that’s your thing.

  • PvP
    There is a set of Essences from PvP Conflict and Strife + Blood of the Enemy.

  • Raiding
    There is one essence from Raiding. You can even get it on LFR.

  • Questing
    Pick up the rep essences if you don’t want to do Dungeons, Raids, or PvP.

If you don’t like any of the above, you’re just out of luck. That spread covers all of the game’s major activities. If you don’t enjoy any of them, or can’t be arsed to go get the essence from them that’s a personal problem you are going to have to deal with yourself.

Your complains are just ridiculous, they apply equally to Gear as they do toward essences.

If you deliberately avoid a certain type of content, Dungeons, Raiding, PvP ect you aren’t going to get the associated rewards. Find essences in a type of content you enjoy. Use those. Or go out and collect the specific essence you want. Hunt for BiS if you want to, or ignore it and just use whatever you have on hand. It’s a pretty open ended choice.

You don’t have to collect every essence.
If you don’t want to PvP, use any one of the other 10 available Essences you can choose from…

If you want Ink Pod, Raid.
If you want Condensed Life Force, Raid.

The same concept applies equally across essences and gear.


Imo the rank 4 should be account wid. Once you get rank 3, you should automatically be eligible to receive rank 4 due to the grind ik involved

They’ll probably put it acc bound only in the last patch, 8.3.5. In 8 3 they’ll reduce the amount to get the ranks, maybe it can be bought with coalescing visions, if you main have the rank…but don’t expect it “free” on this patch

Mmm someone woke up spicy today :heart::wink:

The reason you are wrong is that you can only get one type of essence per content you mentioned. If I can get 3 essences from Mythic + or Raiding we would not be having this conversation.

Most of them are from low effort developed content. I pay enough money for this game to say the essence grind is trash. You can disagree as you also pay. But the fact that I am obligated to do the least challenging, most time consuming content for ZERO entertainment value on my Xth alt that limits me from doing what I love about the game is enough for me to complain. Every hour dedicated to picking up horse dung across azeroth is an hour of doing less of what I love.

Not really. You can fill up the essences neck without doing the boring stuff

Crucible of Flame, Concentrated Life Force, Visions of Perfection, and Focusing Iris are all available to someone who does Dungeons or Raids.

You start off with Crucible.
Use Crucible and two other essences if you can’t be arsed to collect 3.

You can get a pair of Essences just from Dungeon running.
Same is true of PvP.

We are at the point where you are demanding solutions to made up problems.
If what you do in game is so hyper specific that it doesn’t even result in acquiring more than a single Essence aside from Crucible through normal play, that’s just your personal problem.


We reached that point ages ago, many of the complaints on the forum about the game are not issues until players find a reason to become outraged over it.


Its also a question of power. You are claiming that putting on any essences will satisfy the need while ignoring the huge power disparities of essences. Some essences are extremely essential for specific specializations that make everything else not worth it to obtain.

Look at Memory of Lucid Dreams for Destruction Warlock.
The method of acquisition is 166% stronger than anything else under it for the major and is the top tier choice for single target scenarios.

If I am playing that character and I see that I am being told that if I want that power the only way to get it is via daily quests that make me want to burn my pc on fire. There is no alternative to getting this essence. This continues for many classes that have their best traits unlocked via content that sucks.

You have to think why were these essences released in the first place? Blizzard did this to band aid the unjustifiably bad class design and bad azerite armor design. This was done to make the gameplay better. So to unlock the better version of your class with passives that will help gameplay feel better you are required to do specific content that you do not want to constantly do.

The classes were never fixed and the fixes they implemented are time gated for many classes and forces players to log in every day to hear neris sob story.

You want me to believe this is not an issue. But the fact that essences were released and Blizzard has spent all of 8.2, 8.2.5 and the PTR for 8.3 re balancing these essences because of the power disparity is all the evidence I need to show that there are serious issues with its design and implementation. Denying this is also denying everything Blizzard has also concluded.

Some classes feel great with the essences they get from the classes they play. Others do not. These are not pretty toys. These are essential parts of your class design that was added in 8.2 that should be part of the class but are not. The very idea that I have to grind garbage content on specific classes to fix the inherent problems of Blizzards armor and class design is bad. Classes should be good on a base level with legendaries and essences making them better. However these essences offer too much to ignore and shave off as


Can we get rid of the time gating at least? That’s the only thing I ask.

If I want Worldvein I need to do Islands, right? Then instead of making me do only 4 islands a week and waiting 3 days for the table mission, let me buy the essences with Doubloons. I’ll be doing islands anyway, yes?
If I want the Nazjatar ones, instead of leveling useless bodyguards and getting rep, just let me buy them with Manapearls. I’ll be doing Nazjatar stuff anyway, yes?
If I want the Mechagon ones, just let me buy them with spare parts. I’ll be doing Mechagon content anyway.
Let me grind at my own pace.


LD4 Is just the start guys, it means they are budging any all the naysayers sure are silent :’(

This isn’t a conversation about BiS.
It hasn’t been since you said

Otherwise the points I made in the begining post to this chain of discussion should have concluded this handily some time ago. You can’t choose to PvP your way to Ink Pod. That’s not possible. Much in the same way, you can’t Raid your way to Blood of the Enemy.

Essences and gear are not any different on this point, you don’t get to choose what content drops what loot. Some loot is exclusively available from certain activities; PvP, Raiding, M+, Emissaries, ect. If you want one of the notable trinkets, armor, or weapons from EP … you are going to have to go into the raid for it. However a key difference between Gear and Essences in this conversation is the fact that acquiring Essences is completely devoid of RNG. Pick an Essence and go get it. Done.


Why would you want Lord of war with striking the anvil for, there are not BIS shoulders in ST or even Multi target, pvp shoulders BIS come from PVP, oh noes a shocker.

Rank 1 essence vs Rank 3 dps is huge.

You don’t even know why Purification Protocol do R1 vs R2 same with Focusing Iris R2 vs R3. their effect in dmg remains the same but there is a huge diference in being able to cast 1 on the move and not. that’s HUGE dps increase when you wont get your essence interrupted because you need it to move or were force to move.

right now you are arguing for the sake of arguing.

Essences SHOULD be REALLY easy to get, up to R3, after that R4 u can make it as hard as you want that people wont care because is a minor visual upgrade and who cares TBH

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I got Ink Pod on 3 different characters without touching a raid. I didn’t got mythic version but still.

Again with some fix loot that is BIS for pvp well, for BGs because is a pretty damn bad trinket that can be dispelled.

The one thing investors hate more than shopping for new game directors?

A bad quarterly statement.

Either you vote with your wallet or accept the fact that mediocre is the new normal.


I respect the time you took to write all that. I am at work and very busy. When I get home later I will write a well thought out response. Until then have a good one.

Your concern with the particular combination… is greatly misplaced. You don’t have a point. The fact was that certain combos are only available from certain areas of the game. That was an example serving as proof.

The argument it was being made against were that gear can be found everywhere, where as certain essences are found in certain types of content.
Which is false. As evident, certain gear is only found in certain types of content as well.

What numbers is this according to?
A gain of 1-2% is decidedly small.

Which is what a lot of Essence upgrades Rank 1 > 2 or Rank 2>3 amount to in the end. The distance between Rank 1 and Rank 3 performance among most essences is not large. Especially in the case of Minor slots.

You are far from being honest about this.
It’s like you are assuming Mages will be rubbish with their Rune placement and determining that Rune isn’t the most powerful talent in the row… because they are rubbish at using it. That’s not how these comparisons are done.

The topic is theoretical best, we don’t assume players are playing poorly when discussing stuff like this. That just makes no sense. Assuming the player is competent, they are casting these abilities for their full duration and at the best possible opportunity. E.g. They aren’t whiffing their Purification Protocal and hitting nothing providing 0 damage…

We assume they hit. We assume full duration. We assume proper play.

Your argument is " Players are bad, so Rank 2 is a Dps increase… even when it doesn’t actually up the damage provided by the ability."

That would defeat the entire point of ranks. As ranks go up, they are harder to obtain. Every Rank 1 Essence can be earned within a single week. Many rank 2 Essences can be earn within a single week. Select Rank 3 essences can be earned within a single week, but most will probably take multiple weeks.

That’s how ranks progress. What you are arguing, is senseless.

How does allowing people to earn the achievement for this on multiple characters mean they are considering it. In order to use the rank 4 each character must already have earned rank 3.

isn’t. don’t even talk about numbers, your argument here is null.

This isn’t true. the difference is huge. the QOL adjustments from rank 1 to rank 3 are also huge.

the difference in DPS from BIS essences vs Any other essence is also huge.

for example, if you are only able to get rank 1 purification protocol as your main slot you will lose on ST vs lucid dreams 3k dps.

this IS RANK 1 numbers.

also going blood mallet and look at essences that don’t even do 1k dps because they are garbage and come here to use it to invalidate my point is kinda bad. you should know better.

here is another example.
rank 1 lucid dreams vs rank 3 lucid dreams is: 2k dps
this is patchwerk, saying boss wont move wont do nothing tank and spank.

not it wont, they are required in order to perform right. they change so much the way you play that you shouldn’t be force to do stuff you don’t like to do (like arena since conflict and strife is pretty much BIS for every spec out there) in order to stay competitive.

I just got rank 4 blood of the enemy yesterday. It took so long. I never want to pvp again :sob:
Account wide essences please :pray:


What is LD4?



Quality of life… has become your argument. That’s not even remotely within the realm of this discussion.

That makes no sense as a statement when you were just hard into arguing performance, performance, performance the last couple posts.
QOL, as you put it, doesn’t even apply to half the essences; Condensed Life Force, Anima, Lucid Dreams, Visions of Perfection, World Vein, Ripple, Conflict and Strife, Blood of the Enemy… it’s all just straight up performance bumps. Flat boring, performance bumps.

Iris is probably the only example of “QOL” which you just billed as a “HUGE dps increase when you won’t get your essence interrupted” just one post ago…

Adding +10% to a proc chance or increasing a duration of an effect by 3 seconds, Is plainly a performance increase. It’s not QOL when Blizz buffs Mistweaver healing by 7%, unless your using a different lexicon than the rest of us…

Okay. Don’t think I argued otherwise about the performance between different essences being unequal… if you want to chase your BiS essence, go ahead and pick it up. There is no RNG. I’ve repeated this an awful lot.

Annnd we are straight back to debating performance! What was up with that QOL tangent there? Weird.

As a minor essence, the amount of difference between slotting Conflict and Strife Vs slotting Crucible or Iris is negligible. Heck, depending on class and spec Crucible and Iris even come out on top anyway. Worldvein is also a viable option.

Minor essences have very little impact over all. It’s an intentional part of their design.

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