Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

Because essences consist of absolute garbage content over and over, some being obtained from means that people do not want to do.

Gear is obtained from a variety of areas, Raids, M+ and PVP. Those people can stay in their lanes and do what they want.

You have pvp essences like C/S Which is BIS for a lot of specs and BoTE which require an absurd grind (especially if you’re alliance) and I do not enjoy instanced PvP. I do not enjoy participating in it in the slightest.


Okay but what about the PvP’ers who are mad that they have to do “garbage content” like PvE to stay competitive in PvP? They have to not only regrind essences in content they may not like but also regrind gear in content they may not like.


If you want to strawman an argument out of my original point feel free to. This has been an issue as far back at Vanilla (I played it) but essences are a new problem.

Gearing also goes both ways. The best mage trinkets next tier will come from PvP as font is going away.


So the issue isn’t with account-wide essences, it’s the whole gearing system that you believe needs to be revamped.

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I’ve done it three times and hated it all three times.
No…I’ve not finished it on my Paladin…I really don’t want to do it tbh.


no its not

the truth is essences are insanely boring and tedious to grind, there is no downside to make them account wide

your argument against it is extremely weak

honestly baffles me that there are some people against it, there is quite literally zero downside to boa essences


Wow what a huge disregard of the issue just because you disagree w it. I have seen posts like this from many people all across these forums. These topics have not gone away nor are people not interested in it. Most People are just tired of asking for the same thing endlessly. They just unsub.

Then people like you come on once the ghost town has settled down to three people and proclaim “HAHA SEE! No one is left in this town to say anything bad which means I am right and this was a total non issue”


This is the weakest argument out there. No one is asking for account wide gear. I do not understand the fascination with derailing the request for essences and then claiming that this crowd also wants account wide gear. Its insane. Gear can be earned via a variety of content. Essences needs to be earned by doing repeatable world quests and specific content that people do not like to do 5000 times ( a real number if you want to have 5 alts) What is so hard about that?


That wasn’t the question. I was simply asking if someone wants a certain piece of gear to be account-wide if they would like to have all their gear account-wide.

I’ve never sen this argument.

You earn them by playing the game. Sometimes we have to do things we don’t thoroughly enjoy, such as PvP’ers having to PvE for gear to be competitive.

…what? lol

The best suggestion I’ve seen was for essences to be account-wide at 1 level below your highest on any character.

So if you get Rank 3 Purification Protocol, all your characters get Rank 2, for example.

If you get Rank 4 of an essence, all your characters get it at Rank 3.

This would also add some gameplay value to the Rank 4’s beyond having them just be cosmetic, which would be nice.


Pretty sure everyone agrees should be BoA, but Blizzard doesn’t like listening to its customers…:pensive:


Seriosuly such a good idea… I support this a billion %

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I hit my anti boa essence bingo already. What do I win?

Rank 1/2 are not the problem, you get those within like 3 days. Rank 3>4 is weeks of not fun content.

Not everyone… apparently…

Like x1,000,000,000,000


Gear can be earned via a variety of content that the player chooses. The player has agency in the matter.

Essences need to be earned by doing repeatable world quests and specific content that people do not like to do 5000 times ( a real number if you want to have 5 alts). There is no player agency there. The bis essence for your class will likely be tied to a type of content you do not enjoy and you cannot progress through it in any other way.

What is so hard about that?


Yea I have done the essences on my druid, monk, warrior, paladin.

I also have a death knight , demon hunter, priest, shaman, rogue that I don’t really play because I don’t want to grind rep again doing the same world quests each time.

No thanks. I will just logout and do something else.


A toast to next season hopefully being less of a headache! To CATCH UP MECHANICS!!! :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:

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I’m just back after last playing MoP. I looked at what it took to do essences and I noped tf out. If that means no raiding and going back to unsubbing, I’m totally fine with that. But I will never grind them. I refuse. I doubt even making them BoA would convince me to do it. I don’t grind AP either, nor the perfect azerite abilities on my gear. After reading a few of the abilities and realizing most of it was junk, I just stopped reading and picked random stuff just to get rid of the notification box. All the AP I have is from doing a third expansion’s pathfinder (just got down with WoD and Legion pathfinder). That’s it.

Personally I think artifact gearing is total trash. Bring back the gems/enchants/reforging I knew. That would be awesome paired with M+ content.


straw man.