Account Ban

So people can just report you and without Blizzard doing any type of investigation you can be banned. And for those who don’t know, if x amount of people report you, your account will be actioned without cause. I paid for a sub this morning and I’m going to get my money back through my credit card.

If you got suspended, it’s because a GM looked at the reports and felt it was warranted.


No, not really, Crazyo. You can be temporarily squelched based on reports, but we do not suspend or close accounts based solely on reports.


I wouldn’t push it… Vrakthris is quite corrent.

You might want to check your email spam folder and filters.

Good Luck!


Just out of curiosity, if you didn’t receive an e-mail stating what your account was actioned for, then why are you juping to botting?

Also, I’d highly recommend that you consider the outcome should you choose to try and do a chargeback through your credit card. Those don’t tend to go how you might think they do.


No, Crazyo, that isn’t what would have happened. If you were hit for botting it would have been based on an investigation and relevant data. Those aren’t automatic. If you believe a mistake was made, which does happen, I’d recommend submitting an appeal so that it can be looked into.

That said, is this on a different account? I’m not seeing any kind of penalty on the account. What makes you believe you have been suspended or banned?


Offtopic, but Perl if you have time pls check your Ingame mail. Thanks.