Account Actions

That’s exactly it, thank you!!

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Oh, didn’t know they changed it.

for me this is the key phrase and key word. One of the difficulties is that (many) people behave as if their character’s environment were the same as the player’s rl one. Usually in private, alone, or with a couple of close friends. My rule of thumb is to behave - as a player making ooc decisions about IC postings - as if (a) I was in someone else’s grandmother’s home, meeting them for the first time, or (b) in a restaurant where a lot of strangers are out in public with their children.

Azeroth isn’t same kind of public space as a church or library. But it also isn’t the same sort of space as hanging out in a friend’s garage.


Lmao yah and they tried to act like, why was I banned I was just RPing on my low level gnome in Goldshire on Moon Guard. Lots of :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: You’re not fooling anyone.

Anyway I’m curious if that’s why I haven’t seen any public ERP in SW like I used to see back when I was on this server during MoP lmao.


Best “worst ever” RP experience … in Dalaran trying to have a nice dinner date of of the “Disney romance” variety, when an elf, a draenei and a dwarf went upstairs and started / yelling an ERP threesome that went on and on. Was a busy night in the restaurant. People were saying and also in trade declaring they were reporting then heading to Booty Bay to find somewhere quiet.

EDIT: you hear about these “worst ever” experiences, and people complain that Blizzard does nothing. Based on my experience as a former moderator on another forum: people don’t realize that it takes time to sort through, and usually more than one reported incident for people to get banned.

The only two alternatives I can think of would be (a) some kind of automated system, which would result in the malicious reporters having their way, or (b) taking a huge chunk away from the creative budget to construct a dedicated building and hiring an army of CS staff solely devoted to full-time monitoring. Rationally, i don’t think any of us would prefer either scenario to the practical compromise we’ve got.


I’ve been thinking about writing up a thread in the RP realm forums and brainstorming ways to deal with harassment. I’ve seen a number of CS posts complaining about account actions over something that took place months ago. If it takes that long to follow-up on a report, it puts RPers in situations like yours where we’re at the mercy of a troll/griefer.

Report then ignore seems to work most of the time. Especially if you build up an informal support network.

There are situations where it takes a long time to get action. OTOH I’ve been in a situation where we got actual CS feedback to us within a couple of hours after we started reporting harassment ambushing by jerks who kept switching characters inside a bank to try and evade the bans.

EDIT - another tactic that works too, and is fun to boot, assuming you can catch them in PvP mode. There was once an actual coordinated fire-team of rl ex-military who went after a griefer in Orgrimmar. A couple of snipers (marksman hunters) up on the ledges, a trio of high-visibility pursuers (shaman, paladin & mage iirc) to keep them on the run, and an FO (rogue) to coordinate & keep the snipers informed of current locations. Only sad part about that was that the fun was over in less than 20 minutes.

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Please include, that if a certain aggressive forum troll posts a thread. If enough people report it and no one takes the bait and replies to the thread and gives them the attention they want. The forum will automatically lock and delete the topic.