Accessibility should not have to be earned. Steady flying should be automatically available as an alternative

Dragon Rider.
Also adds a speed bar so you can tell how fast you’re going and has some other useful features. Highly recommend.

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I don’t think you had to? Is there a different disability that’s the topic of discussion here?

Yes, I disagree with them on that. But they were right the first time. And again, at least one person needed a drug to get through it.

I’m specifically addressing you telling people not to use accessibility as an argument. I never said you believed otherwise.

I ignored nothing. You can think whatever you want about me and feel free not to respond.

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There was a guy in here earlier talking about only having one arm which was the first thing that came to my mind in terms of accessibility. Then someone called me a sociopath and another called me the r word and now here I am, 3 days later.

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Apparently that’s just okay because Quivermethis “provoked” Liolang, who’s had us on “ignore” for months.

I’m out of patience, frankly.

So, just to point the flaws out in this one ('cause… that’s what I do…):

  1. You don’t only have to explore the areas. You have to complete the campaign quests
  2. No coordination involved – incorrect, as you have to manage three axes of travel, including the angle of descent, vigor, and dodging obstacles
  3. “Adjust your mouse once every few minutes”. I don’t think I’ve ever flown on a single key press for “minutes”. This also ignores obstacles in #2.
  4. It completely ignores negative effects from the motion
  5. Nobody’s claiming to be a “victim” in your exaggeration.

OTOH, this is a great example of a bad faith post, and I thank you for that, and for bumping the thread.


And? I never claimed you believed otherwise. You replied to me specifically in regards to the accessibility argument. I didn’t ignore it. It simply wasn’t relevant because we apparently agree on that point.

If your mind goes to extremes whenever people ask for accessibility, then that’s pretty bad,

Not sure the context, but I’m also a bit annoyed with the "git gud’ crowd.

I didn’t see it but I’m against it.

If you provoke someone like that, a response will ensue.

Its not that black and white.

There are also those using handicap and disability as a weapon to flame and harass others.
There also those like myself that think it’s silly to even use accessibility as an argument when the topic should be about pathfinder even existing.

It an unnecessary tangent.

That’s not what I said at all.

I said continuing circular arguement isn’t productive. Not whose point has merit or not.

How many times do I need to say lio has been doing this for months and a lot of us are tired of their shenanigans.

And all you’ve done is shame me for not taking people at face value.

You have nothing of value to say, and I’m out of good will for you.


Huh yeah. What other reality would I base it on?



That doesn’t contradict what I said. You admitted you were on the side which doesn’t support using the accessibility argument.

It literally is.

I’m saying if you add fuel to the fire, your hands aren’t clean.

Me not know what going on.

Give all flying.

All flying good.

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Thanks, I will check it out.

I have another question for anyone to answer, what DR mount does the least bobing up and down

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I missed this post the first time. What?


Okay, I guess I’m not part of the ongoing discussion and pretty much the only one with this stupid condition.


Me give gnome hug.

Me think pathfinger bad.

All get flying types. No acherviements.


Me want pickles.


This :point_up_2: guy is right! Also, everyone should give me a hug. And him too.

gives Brainrott a hug

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Me no bite.

Me give hugs.

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//watches the Imp hug the gnome for the warlock