Accessibility should not have to be earned. Steady flying should be automatically available as an alternative

Check Ion out here…

“Rather than having pathfinder, having it become available as you level”

Seems Ion is ALREADY looking at doing away with pathfinder entirely, with some other even shorter path to steady flight.

If we keep riding him hard enough, Id bet he ends up realizing allowing BOTH flights for the exact same work ISNT gonna cause any problems for the whining trolls in here.

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Personally, if I couldn’t physically sky ride for whatever reason, I probably wouldn’t be playing world of Warcraft

If I can’t sky ride, I’d assume that I would also be unable to raid, or to do dungeons, or to do delves, or to PvP.

Quite frankly, there wouldn’t be anything I’d be interested in doing.

I also wouldn’t play soccer if I couldn’t run. Idk if that’s weird but that’s just my take on it

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Not only that, I will cancel my subscription if regular flight isn’t removed in the next patch. /s

Edited to make the sarcasm more obvious

I never said I encounter “extreme deadly vertigo”. I get motion sickness, not vertigo.

Also, I don’t encounter motion sickness in the game other than Skyriding.


another mocking post to add to the list…keep them coming…youre doing a FANTASTIC job of making my point for me because you clearly cant control your behavior lol

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Interesting, what does other people using regular flight cause to to quit the game?

He knows what you mean…hes doing EXACTLY as I said…posting obnoxious trash for a reaction to get attention…its called ‘trolling’…


I was being sarcastic.

Edit: anyone notice Lio blocked me, who is actually sane, after calling me a troll and sociopath but still directly interacts with Pulemy who is OBVIOUSLY trolling? Literally nothing this person says can be considered to be in good faith, I’m sorry.

Your assumption is wrong. Blizzard understand this and that’s why they added motion sickness options to the game under the Accessibility options.

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yeah…you have to allow them their hyperbolic rhetoric in here…if they didnt have exaggeration, theyd have nothing to say in here at all

Keep acting like getting sick from a video game is a real disability my dude.



lmao…blizzard says youre wrong…son…FIRST option in the ACCESSIBILITY settings. lmao

Speaking for myself, motion sickness from Skyriding is not a disability, it’s annoying. I play video games for fun, feeling like I’m going to puke is not fun, especially when it’s easy to avoid with Steady Flight.


I have a hard time understanding why smooth riding wouldn’t cause motion sickness, but dragon riding would? All seems the same to me

Oh great the blizzard employees who cry and shake when they see a spider and who steal breast milk.

Truly normal people over there working at blizzard. /s

I have no idea why, I’m not a neurologist, but it really does. Others have the same problem, which is why Blizzard added accessibility options to reduce it.

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Right, but equivalent to this would be allowing both. It’s also locked behind the same gate in my analogy for wheelchair users and non-wheelchair users.

EDIT: More directly, an accessibility option might be a handrail. Stairs and ramps allow for the traversal from point A to point B, same as the flying types. Options would be things that help people navigate one of those two options.

Generally, I agree with this, but primarily when it comes to core gameplay mechanics. If this were a flight-based game, for instance, this would be a completely different discussion (at least, from my perspective). But in WoW’s case, this is just getting from point A to point B quicker (and bypassing mobs, to be fair).

If we were talking about “well, mage tower isn’t fair to disabled people”, I think that would be a completely different thing.

And it quite possibly could be, I can’t really be certain because I personally don’t have a problem with using steady flight, nor do I have disdain for it beyond wishing vigor replenished faster when on the ground. I’m taking some of the posts about difficulties in good faith, and I’m assuming Blizzard has as well, since they did add some accessibility options.

From my own perspective, I have a distinct desire for objectivity and rational discussion – admittedly leaning towards some general “sense of fairness”, if it can be included. I’ve seen how dismissive people can be (myself included in this) with things that they don’t themselves experience, so I’m currently more sympathetic to that. I just personally don’t see a reason – like, literally any reason at all, from the mouth of Blizzard – as to why static flying isn’t unlocked at the start when steady flying is. So, while all of this discussion among players is interesting, ultimately it’s much ado about nothing when Blizzard just sits and ignores all of us.

I mentioned this earlier, but sky riding (and flight in general) introduces another axis of travel that generally isn’t an issue in normal combat. Pressing buttons is a different mechanism than dealing with this additional freedom of movement, a necessary angle of travel to both maintain speed and altitude, vigor, and navigating terrain, all at speed.

Combat rotations are primarily a memory game, and keybinds can be remapped as needed to assist with that. The penalty for missing an attack or something like that is lower dps. The penalty for trying to fly, getting disoriented/motion sickness/whatever and crashing to the ground is – at best – a loss of vigor, but at worst (i.e. no vigor) the inability to travel, and being stuck in combat with whatever you possibly flew into.

EDIT: I’d also add I think we’re comparing different things here, in that we’re talking as if optimized rotations are actually necessary to play most of the game. This isn’t a game where leveling or base content requires maximal, or arguably even average, output, timing, or reactions, and there are many levels of difficulty. One can go back to normal dungeons if heroics are too tough. One cannot “turn off mountains and trees” or “turn on autopilot” (as in, auto-horizon alignment) if sky riding is too difficult.

As I said above, I don’t experience these issues, so I can’t say for sure. But there are notable mechanical differences here, and I’m inclined to mostly believe the people that claim to have these issues, as did Blizzard.


and these clowns in here ignoring the fact that being a LEGAL disability where you can get benefits VERSUS being CRIPPLING in whatever regard where it affects what youre doing ISNT the same thing… lmao.

THAT SAID…YES…in some cases the side affects like vertigo CAN be disabling enough to qualify as a LEGAL disability…

Motion sickness is not considered a disability, even if it is chronic or doesn’t respond to medical treatment. However, some conditions related to motion sickness, such as vertigo, can be disabling and may qualify for disability benefits

The trolls need to go play their game and STOP stressing themselves awake at night worried to death that we’re trying to get Ion to remove FIVE HOURS of Pathfinder, lmao.

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Because that sort REFUSES to actually go EDUCATE themselves about the matter and instead prefer to mock and insult those having issues in here that ION and BLIZZARD have VALIDATED in adding settings for skyriding mounts.

its not that steady flight CANT affect motion sickness…LMAO…its that it likely doesnt cause as SEVERE A REACTION as the vomitous motion that skyriding does.

Im sorry…I dont believe that poster for ONE SECOND that he couldnt connect the dots on that one… not one bit.

i’m starting to think ppl use the word accessibility willy nilly just to add weight to an argument by now.

the only “access” steady flying gives me is afk in the air… i can land and afk. not a big deal.

or be a monk and have a pseudo steady flying as an ability :wink: