Accessibility should not have to be earned. Steady flying should be automatically available as an alternative

Before the toggle, I used it for archaeology. Now, I just use ground mounts cause the toggle makes it so slow.

Idk if it is or isn’t. Maybe it would be by some dictionary definition, which someone mentioned later, but it’s not something the ADA would cover. I guess that’s cause you really can’t make businesses cover all the phobias.

First, you came in here making light of someone’s motion sickness issues. You were basically saying 'It just makes you a little queasy. It’s not a big deal. Blizzard shouldn’t cater to your every whim." Bad vibes.

Second, the very nature of skyriding means not certain people won’t be able to use it without having issues, no matter what accessibility features they add to it. This has been pointed out multiple times when the subject has come up. These are people who didn’t have a problem with steady flying.


I truly, truly hate that toggle. I can see why they did it – to disincentivize quickly switching between sky riding and static flying – but 1) I think that’s a terrible goal (I could be wrong here) and 2) it’s annoying as hell.

I concur here. If this was a game like the old Joust (I’m showing my age here) where sky riding was truly a core GAMEPLAY mechanic, I could see the hesitation or denial of changing that. It’s not, though. People (in general) also complain extensively about raids and dungeons with sky riding in them. To the point of not wanting to do them.


This whole discussion about accessibility and disability leads to nothing, especially if it ends in insults and harassment.

Let’s simply look at the facts: Skyriding has no requirements, steady flying has. The one and only reason for this inequality is Blizzard has decided to make it that way.

We, as the players, should stop fighting each other and simply address that every inequality in the game is bad, no matter what the inequality is.

And Liolang, please don’t answer to my post with something like “but they are trolling”. At this point you are trolling even more and in the end hurting the whole discussion.


just here to troll…nothing more.
NONE of them are affected in ANY way if Pathfinder is removed for steady flight…(which is the actual issue here since steady flight isnt going anywhere) YET THEY ARE MINDLESSLY OBSESSED WITH THIS TOPIC for some deranged reason…go figure…

Yes, and your insinuation of what I said is completely wrong.


That is the ONLY issue at hand here. …the ONLY issue.

Steady flight as per Ions on words is going NOWHERE, so their attacks on disabled players ABOUT steady flight are entirely out of place here…invalid and pointless
Ion H: “some folks, for accessibility reasons, personal preference reasons, maybe you just like being able to afk in mid air…dragonriding isn’t your favorite, we dont want to take anything away.”

That they feel the obsessive need to come in here railing about steady flight just says they ARENT paying attention to the fact that steady flight ISNT going anywhere…and this issue is ONLY ABOUT PATHFINDER not being needed and being entirely UNFAIR to those who are having issues with skyriding.

As for my pointing out their behavior…Im sorry if you feel you need to take offense at that, but I have every intention of continuing to call out POINTLESS…NEEDLESS harassment and mocking of disabled players and others in here having issues with skyriding.

Sociopathy is no longer a recognized condition.

Nor is this an actual lack of empathy. This is very disgusting of you, Lio.


You can do the Dawnbreaker with Steady flight as i have done it.

I just don’t think fellow players should be called sociopaths because they think other players are exaggerating how bad DF is.

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“I dont like the diagnosis so Imma pretend its not a thing”

only this forum could come up with these denials of reality. lol

Well… if you prefer to keep on posting your pointless needless harassment then we can close this thread because it leads to nothing.
You don’t always fight fire with fire. Sometimes it’s better to use water.

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“I dont think one should point out that lack of empathy and mocking disabled persons is behavior that is indicative of some sort of disorder…but I DO believe its ok to mock and insult people having trouble that I KNOW INCLUDES disabled players”

lmao…this place is WORSE than twitter lol

I just think that mechanics that require players to play and engage the game are good. Maybe that’s just me. Maybe some players just want to log onto a screensaver.

Ive been here reading their garbage for 7 years son…seeing the ongoing behaviors…watching them attack and insult others for no good reason…how about you 530 posts?

How is a player blocking you but then continually tagging and quoting you not considered harassment by the mods?


So you’re insulting me as well now even though I’m on your side? This clearly shows you’re not interested in the matter at all. You’re just here to harass people.

Btw: I’ve been here for 17 years and you are one of the worst posters I’ve ever seen on ANY WoW forum.


Not only are you not a licensed psychiatrist, this is not a diagnosis. You do not diagnose someone with sociopathy, and it wouldn’t have been recognized for many peoples’ lifetimes.

Since the 60s, both psychopathy and sociopathy are essentially blanket terms for antisocial conditions, and they have a heavily negative connotation in the field.

But sure, Lio. Someone who doesn’t even know what the DSM is giving a solid diagnosis on the WoW forums.

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Telling you that ive clearly been here dealing with that group for longer than you have…clearly…so Im NOT as naive and forgiving.
they troll this forum literally looking for victims to harass and mock…and you expect me to ignore it.
Not happening.

likely better that you and I part ways at this point, dont you think?

or are you telling me youre ok with this crap?

You’re literally crying and shaking because somebody has a different opinion.

God forbid somebody doesn’t think that a game should be ruined just to cater to disabled people.

IF Ion cant let PF go, then let us choose one flight on day one, then we work for pathfinder for the other mode of flight.
The problem is fixed and EVERYONE can be happy…except for those who wont have anyone to mock and deride anymore because they’ll have steady flight and wont be complaining about pathfinder needing to be removed… :+1: