Accessibility Features are Unorganized

There have been some interesting new accessibility features added to Warcraft this expansion, the latest being a potion that helps prevent motion sickness during certain boss fights in WoD. This is really cool and I’m sure it will be useful to many people.

However, one thing that I’d like to see eventually addressed is for these features to be able to be implemented without needing to use a consumable, or purchase an item from a vendor, or even enter a command code. Having all these features available as options on the Accessibility page of the Interface Menu would be much more convenient than tracking down what command does what or which vendor sells what.

If a player chooses “Reduce Camera Motion”, then that should automatically apply the effects of the new motion sickness prevention potion on the WoD bosses, without needing the player to do anything else. If a player wants a larger fishing bobber size, then there should be an option available to give them that, so that they don’t have to track down whichever fishing vendor sells the consumable item and apply the buff. If a player wants to remove drunken blur: same deal. Put that as an option in the Accessibility Menu instead of making the player type in a command code that’ll reset whenever their WTF folder does.

This stuff really needs to be organized better in-game so that it’s simple and convenient for anyone to use. As it is, it’s not quite there.