[A][Cata][Atiesh] LF 5 players of all roles to form a 10 man raid team


We’re looking for 5 more players to join our 10 man group. We’ve cleared all of BWD pugging and are looking for a more stable roster to clear the rest and enter heroic.

We plan to raid two nights a week, currently set for Tuesday & Friday but can be discussed. We’re in PST timezone.

Currently, we have:
1 Holy Paladin
1 Prot Paladin
1 Fire Mage
1 DK
1 Hunter

Looking for:
1 disc priest
1 tank
1 shaman dps
1 warlock
1 druid dps

Prefer people who have experience raiding. Looking to form a relaxed group that’s able to clear bosses. The classes we’re looking for are not set in stone. We prioritize competent players above all.

Feel free to message me or Akirachan in-game.

If you happen to decide to raid Friday/sat id be down. 350 best 347 boomie

Bump, still looking for players!

Bump. LFM :stuck_out_tongue:

Bump, still looking!

what times are your raids typically scheduled for?